Dirty Little Secret {Luke and Jai threesome}

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"C'mon babe, it'll be fun" Jai purred into my ear, sweeping my hair from my neck and teasing the skin with his warm tongue.

I closed my eyes as the alcohol rushed through my body, taking control of my usually cautious nature.

I suddenly felt another pair of hands snake around my waist; a new set of fingers tracing light circles beneath the hem of my t-shirt. I slowly opened my eyes to see Luke's face just inches from mine; his warm breath grazing my already flushed cheeks. Jai must have given him the go ahead whilst he was tending to my weak spots; knowing that I wouldn't deny Luke. I tilted my chin upwards slightly, making my lips accessible to Luke's; Jai's mouth working its way from my ear to collar bone. I inhaled deeply as Luke pressed his lips to mine; his full pink lips warm and inviting. Even though I was with Jai, I'd always had a crush on Luke. Don't get me wrong, I loved Jai - but there was something intriguing about Luke; something that I craved. Jai and I had spoken about this, and instead of getting angry or jealous, he suggested this; that they both have me for the night. Naturally Luke was enthusiastic; I mean, which normal teenage boy would turn down a threesome? Little did Jai know that this would unleash an unfulfilled lusting for Luke that would keep me going back for more, no matter how hard I tried to suppress such feelings.

Luke's tongue flickered between my lips and I parted them willingly; his mouth laced with the evening's alcohol. I grabbed Luke by the waist and pulled him close, Jai's hands now tugging at the zip of my dress, letting it fall down my body until it hit the ground. My crotch was crushed into Luke's as Jai pressed his body firmly behind me; his hands now teasing the skin just above the band of my lace underwear and his lips sucking furiously on the skin between my neck and shoulder. Luke began unbuttoning his shirt, his breathing shallow as I tugged the sleeves from his arms. I groaned into his mouth as Jai's fingers rubbed lazily at the crotch of my underwear; my hands grabbing Luke's growing erection instinctively. He sucked on my lower lip as I continued to palm his erection through his jeans - I couldn't get enough of him. Luke soon dragged me to the bed, pulling my knees down either side of his waist as I hovered above him; lips colliding furiously. I briefly turned back to Jai who was now in just his boxers; his eyes dark and lustful as he watched my body writhe above Luke's.

"Baby, why don't you show Luke what you can do with your tongue?" Jai growled into my ear, rubbing my crotch from behind as I nipped at Luke's jaw.

I pulled Jai's mouth desperately to mine; before returning to Luke and kissing my way from his jaw to collar bone. I focused my attention there for a while, before flicking my warm tongue across his nipples; gradually finding my tongue tormenting the skin just above the band of his boxers that peeked through the top of his black low-rise jeans. I undid the buttons as quickly as possible and dragged them to his knees, letting my hot breath hit his prominent bulge. Luke hissed as I peeled his boxers back, freeing him from the uncomfortably tight material. My eyes widened as he lay before me. My heart was racing, and I glanced over my shoulder to see Jai tending to his hardness; it turned me on more than I thought was even possible. I bit my lip and lowered my head down, taking the head of Luke's penis in my mouth. I teased him with a variation of firm brush-like movements and light flickers; his hands tangling through my hair as I ran mine across his hip bones. Jai's hot breath hit my neck as he crept up behind me, jerking my underwear to the side and pushing a finger in.

"God, you're wet." He growled, nipping lightly on my lobe.

I moaned lightly as I kept my pace; the vibrations of my moans making Luke shudder.

"Oh FUCK" I screamed, pulling back from Luke as Jai entered me abruptly.

My body quaked as it accustomed itself to the unexpected wave of pleasure; my tongue flicking fervently across Luke's shaft. Jai drove himself into me with such force that I found it difficult to focus on Luke; often having to pause and use my hand instead. I knew this was his way of showing who was in control; who owned me. I kept Luke's gaze as Jai fucked me; the skin dipping between his collar bones as his chest rose and fell rapidly, my hands and tongue continuing to pleasure him. Luke bucked his hips uncontrollably into my hand; I was desperate to have him inside of me, but I knew that Jai wouldn't let it go further than this. I planted wet kisses along the insides of Luke's thighs as my body jolted before him, taking him in my mouth whenever I could. Without warning, Luke spilled himself into my mouth; his whole body tensing as I swallowed the hot liquid obligingly. Luke looked just as surprised as I was; his eyes apologetic yet slightly amused. I ran my tongue across my bottom lip and smirked at him, his face flushed and curls sticking slightly to his damp forehead. I tilted my head and beckoned him closer; Luke immediately shifted up the bed towards me, sucking lightly on the skin across my collar bone.

"Fuck that feels good" I whispered into his ear, quiet enough so that Jai couldn't hear.

Luke brought his hand down to my clit as Jai continued to thrust himself into me roughly; a contrast to Luke's gentle touch. My breathing increased rapidly as Luke's fingers worked skilfully against me, alongside the overwhelming feeling of Jai inside of me. I could feel my orgasm fast approaching as my fingers and toes began to tingle.

"Come for me" Luke whispered breathlessly into my ear, quickening the pace of his fingers.

My whole body tensed as my orgasm hit me hard; Luke's name escaping my lips as my head span and blood rushed. Jai's hips forced a few more jagged thrusts before he pulled out and finished across my back; the warm liquid sending shivers through me as it hit my post-sex sensitive skin.

Luke grinned at me as we both silently realized that i'd moaned Luke's name instead of Jai's, and he pressed his lips to mine before quickly pulling away as Jai removed himself.

I rolled on to my side to the bed, completely exhausted; Jai and Luke either side. Apart from heavy breathing, the room was silent as we lay in darkness; my eyes only just able to make out the soft features of Luke's face. Luke trailed his fingers across mine, stroking them gently. I linked mine with his; Jai completely oblivious as he lay there still; his back turned. I assumed from this that he had heard me cursing Luke's name as I came, but I was sure that he'd forget in the morning; the alcohol was sure to haze his memory. After a few minutes or so, Jai's breathing was slow and shallow, indicating that he'd fallen asleep. My fingers were still entwined with Luke's, and he gave me a light squeeze to show that he was still awake. He nuzzled his nose to my neck, his warm breath sending shivers throughout the whole of my body.

"Come with me." He whispered, tugging my hand as he got up from the bed. I glanced over to Jai who was still peacefully sleeping and tiptoed across the room, closing the door behind me. I was certain he wouldn't wake - a combination of the alcohol and exhaustion was bound to have him out cold until the morning. Luke grabbed my waist and pulled me into the bathroom across the hall, clicking the lock swiftly behind him.

"God, you're beautiful" he purred into my neck; his large hands resting in the contours of my waist as he pressed me firmly into the wall behind, his tongue exploring my skin hungrily.

Jai never found out about what happened in that following hour; it was mine and Luke's dirty little secret.

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