Intoxicated {Luke} [Part 1]

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The cold grass provided a soothing feeling against your clammy skin as your laid back looking up at the sun. A shadow appeared over you blocking the rays as your best friend, Luke wondered over to lay next to you. "Get out of my sun, Luke!" you shouted at him as he laughed and dropped down on the grass beside you, taking off his polo shirt to make the most of the sun.You admired him as he did so. You had always thought Luke was hot, that was a well known fact, no one could deny that. But as your best friend you had never thought of him any other way.. Until now.

You stared at him, taking in his perfectly sculpted features. Tanned skin, hazel eyes, plump rose lips and that lip piercing. Lip piercing always got you, they were such a turn on. You quickly darted your eyes away realising you had been staring for a little too long.. He slowly laid back resting his elbows down to lean on. You loved days like this, just you and Luke, doing nothing at all but being in each others company.

You had been best friends since you were little but you had moved away to the UK when you were 5 and came back when you were 14. You had picked up quite a strong British accent, which Luke found extremely hot, but he would never admit to it, of course. Your relationship with Luke was so chill, even though once a while back you had shared a slightly intense kiss at a party due to too much alcohol.. but even that didn't make things awkward between you.

"Darcy.." you heard Luke say, snapping you out of your deep thoughts.

You looked over to where Luke was now sitting up cross legged and fumbling in his pocket.

"mmm, yeah?" you replied drowsily.

"Look what I have!" he said, a smirk stretching out just showing his perfectly straight teeth as he proudly held up a small pack of something.

"what is that...?" you said as you sat up to take a closer look.

You took the tiny bag from his hand and moved your sunglasses to the top of your head for a better view. You knew straight away what it was, a smile creeping onto your face as you looked up into Luke's excited eyes.

"I thought we said we'd take it easy on this for a while!" you giggled, knowing that was an empty promise as soon as you two agreed last week.

"Yeah I know we SAID that, but this was cheap, and well you know.." he trailed off as he took the grinder and rizzla's out of his pocket, ready to roll a spliff.

You and Luke sometimes smoked weed together when you were alone on days like this. You just did it for the buzz, it felt good, and made every thing 10 times better for a few hours, just a bit of fun. But you and Luke both knew it was bad for you so had made a deal the previous week to not do it anymore.. Which obviously didn't last long!

You laid back down and watched Luke's skilled fingers as he ground the tobacco and cannabis together, sprinkling it into the rizzla and rolling it up.

"He's fast with his fingers.. imagine what else he could do with them.." you thought to yourself. Then you watched intently as his tongue slipped out between his plump lips to lick delicately along the edge of the paper before sticking it down.

"hmmm and that tongue.." you let your mind trail off into wonders of dirty thoughts before realising what you were doing.

"No, Darcy. He's your best friend! What is wrong with you today!?" you scolded yourself inside your head.

"You wanna take first pull?" Luke asked looking deep into your eyes as he picked up the lighter and started lighting it a few times over.

Knowing full well that the first pull is always the one that hits you hardest you agree without argument, wanting badly to feel that buzz again. You place the joint between your lips closing your eyes as Luke brings the lighter up and begins burning the end. As the end started to light you close your eyes and inhale strongly, feeling the hot smoke filling your mouth. You slide the joint from your lips and inhale the smoke right down feeling it swirl around in your lungs as you hold it for a few seconds before blowing it out in Luke's direction, and letting the smoke drift off into the air.

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