Chapter 10

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Half an hour later a little blue car pulls up in front of me. A guy who looks a little bit older than me gets out and comes running over to me, his brown hair flopping in his eyes. "Jade?" He asks. "Uhhh yeah, and you are?" I question. He moves his hair out of his eyes. "Your ride, now get in." He smiles and takes my luggage from me as I get in the passenger seat. A minute later he joins me in the car and we begin to drive away. "Sooo how was your trip?" He awkwardly asks me. "Uhm good I guess. I slept a lot." Cue awkward giggle. He's quiet as we drive a bit further then begins to talk out of nervousness. "So I'm your aunt and uncle's neighbor, your uncle called your aunt and asked her to ask me to pick you up since he's busy and I'm not. Oh my name's Zack by the way." He stops talking all of a sudden and I look at him, he's  staring out at the road in front of us. Unable to hold it in I start laughing. Zack turns to look at me and his facial expression cracks me up even more. "What's so funny?" He asks me. Unable to answer I keep laughing while gasping for breath. After I calm down I look back at him. "I'm not crazy I swear." I say in a smiley voice. He looks at me for a second then back to the road. "I never said you were." Then he adds. "What- are you hearing voices? What a crazy chick. And I'm the one stuck in the car with her." Upset I look at him and see he's laughing. I punch his arm. "You jerk! I thought you were serious!" He laughs even harder. "As if!" He chuckles. The rest of the car ride goes smoothly as we make Small talk and joke around. All  too soon we reach my aunt and uncle's small mansion. Now when I say mansion  its just a really fancy house that looks like a mansion from the outside. There's a long paved driveway- but not too long, then there's a beautiful lawn with small flower gardens. There are two garages and then the house. Every time I see it it still manages to amaze me. The whole outside of the house is a beige with stone pillars near the front door. I quickly thank Zack and get out of his car. I notice that he waits until I'm in the house before he drives away. As soon as I step in the house two gorgeous blonde munchkins run up to me and hug me. "JADE!!" They scream "MOMMY JADE'S HERE!!" A second later my aunt walks over to me and takes my stuff hugging me tightly and giving me a quick peck on the cheek. "Hey sweetheart, how was the trip?" She asks me as we walk into the kitchen, placing my suitcase under the high marble bar table. "Good, I got into a fight with a couple of people but other than that it was great." She laughs and we talk a bit more before the kids get impatient and drag me away to play with them. "Gosh I love it here!" I whisper to myself. My little cousin, the oldest of the two answers. "I love you here too!" I kiss her head and we sit and play until their lunch is ready.

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