Chapter 18

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The day of the parade has come, and my brilliant grandmother has no idea how to get there, so now we are riding with Zack. Of course I am stuck in the back seat while my grandma and him chat away. Jealousy. I'm jealous. I know we aren't together in any way but still- I feel it rolling out of me like huge waves. Unable to do much else I stare out the window and notice we are pulling into a gas station. Zack quickly jumps out like he's miserable. My grandma turns around. "Jade are you hungry? Or thirsty? You haven't had breakfast yet, I could gt you something." She goes on obnoxiously. "Grandma I'm fine! Just stop talking to Zack!" I semi yell. A minute later Zack gets back in the car and my grandma gets out. I cross my arms over my chest and glare at the window. I feel Zack watching me so I turn to him. "What?" I ask rudely, venom clear in my voice. "Smile!" He tells me. Of course unable to remain upset with him I do and start laughing. Abruptly he turns from me and ignores me, immediately upsetting me. The door opens and my grandma gets back in with food which she gives to me and a freaking soda at 8:30 in the MORNING!!! I drink the soda and pick apart the nasty sandwich. An hour later we finally find somewhere to park and get out. The second I get out of the car and stand up I'm almost knocked over. Four tiny arms wrap around my legs, looking down I see Ally and Matilda. I look around and see my aunt and uncle- great. I vow to myself that I will pretend to be happy so I don't upset anyone- which is going to be hard..... We all walk through the crowded streets and finally find somewhere to sit. Laura, Rob, Matilda, and Ally sit in front while my grandma, myself, and Zack sit behind them. I begin to get nervous being around Zack and somehow manage to flip my chair and ungracefully land on the ground. Stunned I look up and see Zack and my grandma laughing. Embarrassed I sit my chair back up and sit down, ignoring the both of them. A few minutes later- after he stopped laughing he tries apologizing, but I cross my arms across my chest and look the other way. I turn towards him when I hear the unmistakable clicking of a camera. As soon as I turn towards him he starts taking pictures of me on his phone which infuriates me. "Erase them!" I screech. He shakes his head and takes more. "Zack! Stop I'm ugly, I'll break your phone. Delete them!! Pleaaase." I beg. He refuses so I take out my phone and start taking pictures of him. As soon as I start to enjoy myself the parade starts and I don't enjoy it at all!

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