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I was being tried for the murder of my father, of an Alpha -- and not just an Alpha, my Alpha. Along with murder, I was being tried for treason, which had a stricter punishment than the former charge. A murderer could be reformed, a traitor couldn't.

But, I wasn't just an accused murderer, I was one. 

Everyone within the supernatural community knew I was guilty -- they simply didn't know my motive behind the gruesome act. Now that I was out they all had their suspicions but the woman who birthed me was quick to bat them away like pesky flies. Of course none of the rumors were true. Nathaniel Parks was a great man -- but this was according to a woman who had ridden in on his coattails and snagged him in the most treacherous of ways, she didn't want to see his reputation tarnished simple because of the fact that she was connected to it. People were quick to draw their own conclusions. I saw the glimpses of mistrust in their eyes as I walked freely around the pack house, glimmers of doubt and curiosity that clouded everyone's minds. They wanted to know the truth, but I knew none of them could handle it. Never would be able to stomach the atrocities that occurred in the dungeon I grew up in. For now they were allowed to believe what they'd been told. They all thought I was a recluse with no wolf, a man who'd gone feral from living away from people too long -- a mind gone mad. I allowed them to believe this simply because it was easier at the moment. 

The elders seemed to believe that I was of no threat though, since they allowed me to physically participate in the Exchange of Power ceremony, but I wasn't so certain if it were a good idea since I was so close to my Mate that I could practically taste him. The little tease of seeing him and not being able to touch him, taste him, claim him -- it was too much. I could still feel the beast threatening to take over, clawing fitfully to get out; just like the night I killed the bastard that sired me. It was unimaginable agony, watching him walk away from me, his lithe form growing smaller with every step he took. 

I would have him in due time though. 

For now, I was focused on something else; ridding my pack of the serpent in the grass.

* * * * *

"Welcome mother. Please sit, we're waiting for you to join us before we begin." 

She was staring at me with narrowed eyes, a sharp nail poking into her plump unnaturally filled lip. I knew she was suspicious of my actions, I couldn't fault her for it; I actually held a small amount of respect for her walking around with an air of caution. We were all seated in the formal dining room - the one that filled the massive plantation style home to the brim with pack members when we all gathered. I knew the room was hardly ever used due to the lack of respect both of my parents had for their pack -- they'd had no use for gatherings since it didn't further them in the slightest. Now, things were different. 

I sat at the head of the largest table, smirking slightly as people cast looks of shock and disgust in my direction. I was sitting where my father had and to some, I had taken the position in a dirty manner. There were plates of food scattered across the large tables and not a single soul had touched them. It wasn't as if I had prepared the food myself -- I was incapable of boiling water. Slowly Amber walked to the empty seat directly to my right before lowering her frame into it, eyes still in slits. Oh, boy. She was watching me, wasn't she?

I stood abruptly and cleared my throat, eyeing the vile woman as I towered over her. 

"Now that we're gathered, there are a few things that I'd like to discuss before we dig in." Now the look on the faces scattered around was comical - gaping, terror filled faces. I'm sure they were expecting the absolute worst.
"I've taken some time the last couple days to observe what goes on in this pack house, how chaotic it seems to run. Starting tonight, we will be making a few changes." Murmurs of confusion lot the room just as I had expected but it only took a raised hand to quiet them down.
"I've noted that quite of few of the pack children are home schooled, which would be welcome since we could educate them on not only human law and history, but also go more in depth for our own kind than regular schools do. However, Mr. Tolver, the only teacher for all forty students, cannot possibly properly educate all of them. The traditional ratio is 25 to 1. Starting Monday we will begin two items: one we will start a search for three more teachers, two female and one male. Students will be broken into two grade sections and then split by gender. Those who wish to enroll their children in public school are more than welcome. As for the second item on our list, we will begin construction of a school bordering between our lands and that of the Leland Pack's. I've already spoken with the previous Alpha and he's assured me that his son will be on board as well." Much to my surprise people began to chatter in an excited manner, hell, I had expected a bit of an uproar at my declaration.

"The next item we need to address is the current living and work arrangements. I've noticed that many of our elder pack members are still working while quite a few of our younger are lounging around aimlessly during the day. This is going to be put to a halt. Anyone over sixty who wishes to continue to work is more than welcome to do so, please submit a formal request so I can file them. For the younger group, if you are no longer in high school or not currently enrolled in university courses, there will be a meeting tomorrow at ten thirty so you can sign on to the building crew for the new school. Living arrangements, I've noticed, are a bit of a squeeze. There are a series of homes on our land that are reserved for families - so far I've seen that they are used for higher ranking officials that do not have significant others. Once dinner has concluded I want the following families to begin packing their items and moving into the homes that allow for freedom and space." I rattled off the families that were being moved and made sure do make eye contact with those who looked disgruntled. I didn't care that they were put out. My words did cause a panic to stir in the gathering of people, mostly amongst the folks whose lives were going to be uprooted. I felt no sympathy for doing this. I had only been around for less than a week and I was already tired of watching the elderly of my pack come home after work exhausted and watching families - like the Diaz family who had eight kids - squished into two rooms in the house. My parents might not have cared about the well being of their people, but I damn sure did. "Anyone who wishes to dispute this must submit a formal request and we will gather the elders of the pack to review." I could see my mother beginning to get antsy as I drew on. I was just about to get to the good part.

"Lastly, a few of you have reached out to me about some concerns regarding the former Luna." Tension crept up her spine and she went ramrod stiff. "The ill-treatment of this pack has gone on far too long at the hands of the former alpha couple. They have neglected the growth and well being way too long. There is no proper doctor to care for anyone and from what I've seen on official documentation, this had resulted in the loss of a few dozen pack members prematurely. There is absolutely no census taken to keep up with the expanding number of members we house which is why we've got too little space for anyone. I've also noted that there is no kind of training to keep you safe and your skills sharp in case of attacks or emergency. All of these grievances are offenses against this pack -- which is why I'm moving to have Amber Parks, Former Luna of this pack, tried for treason under Lupine Statute 9-6-15, which if found guilty is punishable by death. All in favor, please rise."

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