Your Betrayal

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imastupididyut this one is for you! Thank you for your votes and comments throughout both of these stories!

Let me know what you guys think! Next chapter will be up today or tomorrow.



I had a slight smirk on my face as I entered the Pack house, Jackson's hand grasped tightly in mine as we rushed toward my office. I had been able to push the Tribunal for another half hour in order to hear what my Mate had to say. It was important, he assured me.

He could want to discuss why he hated all green foods and I would listen without fuss. Whatever came from those lips was important to me. Of course, I didn't realize just how important what he had to say really was.


"I'm sorry, Tyler." Jackson said as he laid a warm hand on my knee. Had I not been so lost in my own thoughts, I would have enjoyed the heat from his hand and pulled him to me for another earth shattering kiss. However, we were both aware that now wasn't the moment. I was a little confused as how to move on.

Alert the panel and have Jackson and his parents sworn in as a witnesses. This is two acts against separate Packs. You can also bring charges against Amelia and Amber both for tampering with a Mated pair. Cade was the reasonable one at the moment which confused me all to hell. Normally, he'd be out for blood for what they'd done. Why did he sound so calm?

We have our Mate, we have proof and we will have a pup. We can seek justice for all transgressions against us without having to get blood on our hands. He had a point. I took Jackson's hand in mine and gave it a gentle squeeze before leaning in and pressing a soft kiss to his sweet lips. Tingles danced across my skin as I pulled away. I never thought I would have this chance, to be with him. Having him so near, his hands in mine. It was surreal. I knew that no matter how much I wanted to stay here in this moment, I had to gather the panel and have Jackson sworn in so we could proceed. After instructing my dazzling Mate to call his parents and Kira over, I left to pull the other Alphas into my office. It was a bit cramped once we were all there - nearly twenty people in my office made it feel as if I worked in a closet. As the Leelands were all sworn in, then Kira, I had Dace call in an official witness who would double as our reporter before we could begin.
It was a long process, nearly two hours before we could even start the actual trial.

Finally, we were seated in the council room with everyone ready to go.

Alpha Corditz began the proceedings by reading off the counts, adding in the new charges flawlessly. Amber, Amelia and Kira all sat equal distance apart, the former pair shackled in silver chains much like the ones I had been held by at my power ceremony. Kira was held by human chains, as not to damage the child inside of her in the case that it was, in fact, a wolf pup.

"And finally, the last and final transgression, against our Goddess, tampering with a bond between Destined Mates. The evidence will be presented, logged and accounted for, and the verdict given in one session. Alpha Jackson Leeland, will first be called. We will begin with questions from Luna Timber Ash and Alpha Slade Ash."

The Ashes were from North Dakota, both fair, kind, but most importantly, decisive. They had been on the panel for nearly a decade now and had tried cases all across the US. Timber was being considered for the International panel, but I couldn't see her doing it; her husband, two children and Pack were her life.

The next couple, the Blacks consisted of Michael and Darren, the most at odds pair I had ever met. Darren was a free spirit, easy going and happy go lucky. His Mate, however, was the most serious man I knew. Michael had never cracked a smile at anyone other than Darren, come to think of it. From southern Florida, they were both toned, tanned and total knock out.

The Corditzs, from New York, we're the most familiar with my Pack, Stfan and Roasalee actually credited their mating to Sean Leeland, a visit he'd made in his younger years. Nearly in their seventies, they hadn't met until their forties. Both were planning on this being their last case.

The next three couples, the Louises, the Moddoxes and the Roses all hailed from different parts of Texas. Long before my time, the state has been broken up into five different jurisdictions. Each had their own distinct personality, each worked flawlessly together.

The thirteenth and final judge was Jade Hawkins, lone Luna of the Alaskan pack. She was small, barely four-eleven, with an obsidian stare and hair that matched. I'd heard that she was barely twenty-one and had won her position from a man that slaughtered grizzlies for a living before he was Alpha. Luna Jade hadn't found her Mate yet, but I had a sneaking suspicion that even if she had, she wouldn't bring them to light - too many enemies.

The panel took turns asking Jackson questions about his knowledge of the charges to which he answered as best he could. He wasn't sure how to respond to a few questions and answered such, apologizing each time he couldn't. Not every pair asked new questions, some worded them differently to see if his answer changed. It never wavered. He exchanged seats with his parents soon after, taking a seat beside a worm looking Derrek Tyler as he waited for them to finish.

Finally, the last witness was called forward.

"Kira Malcourt, you've been pardoned from prosecution until the birth of the child growing in your womb. However, under Lupine Law Statue 22-3-128, we will use your testimony to prosecute you at later times." Taryn Rose smiled softly, but no one was comforted by it, her fangs set most on edge. "Miss Malcourt, from beginning to end, please explain to us how you became entangled with former Beta Amelia Tyler and former Luna Amber Parks." Between sobbing and hiccups, slowly Kira tells us of how she'd come to meet and aid the other two women.

I pardon myself from the room as she begins to speak of visiting me in the dungeon.


Stomach churning, I listen to Kira talk about the conditions in which my Mate used to "live in". Her sobs grow stronger as her eyes meet mine, the brilliant green I'm used to now flat and full of disgust as she recalls these deplorable memories. My body shakes with rage as she described the way he had been chained against the wall, how he was dressed, what he smelled like.

"When I asked why he was being poisoned with my brew and being treated so, Alpha Nathaniel said that he was undeserving of a Mate, which is why he was chained and treated accordingly. My moth- former Luna Parks gave me the um, his seed in order to cause Alpha Jackson to be drawn to me. T- the man was beginning to die...Alpha was his essence and I couldn't use it to mask my scent. If I couldn't use Tyler's essence then Jackson would know I wasn't hid Mate. A-Amelia said for the first few weeks of gestation that Alpha Jackson would scent the underlying hormones of pregnancy but not the true paternity. She said she'd done it once before and knew from experience that I would only have a short window of time to get what she and her mother needed."

The room was silent -- what was she talking about? When she had disclosed to us, she'd left this out. Taryn spoke again, demanding she tell us what Amber had needed.

"His blood." Kira whispered, looking away from the prying eyes of everyone. "She wanted Jackson's blood so that I could make a poison and kill him -- possibly all of them. Above all, they wanted Alpha Jackson dead."

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