All These Things I Hate

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A burning sensation flooded through my system as I stood before the Council of Elders and the collective mass of Packs from across the southern part of the United States, locked in powerfully warded silver chains. We had begun the ceremony finally, after I had taken control of myself once again -- having to banish the sight of her hands on his body. I drew all of the strength I could from my beloved. My Mate's chocolate eyes were all I could think about as I was bowed over in agony, the surge of fire spreading like wildfire through my veins. It was seconds that seemed like decades. The world around me ceased to exist as my vision turned dark, taking me from the hard wooden stage and open field. The sounds of breathing, chirping cicadas and hum of chanting Elders was gone-- replaced by a sweet silence that carried along the cool breeze.

Welcome, my son. The melody of the voice was alluring, soft and sounded like whispers on the wind. My ears were ringing lightly. I couldn't look up, I simply didn't have the will to, and Cade was content to stay bowed and exposed to the presence before us. He could feel the power of coming off of her in waves, it was knee weakening-- gut wrenching. The power I had felt before was minuscule compared to the sheer magnitude of hers.

I have waited a long time for you both to come to me, Tyler. This sent shivers down my back. How long had she waited exactly? I knew who she was without having to look at her and I was awed beyond my wildest imagination. I was nothing. I was a speck on the map. And I was in her presence! Why would our Goddess want to speak with me? Was she going to condemn me for killing my father? Did she hate me for what I had done? My heart dropped to my stomach as a final thought struck me; Would she take my Mate from me as punishment for my sins?

You and Cade are free to speak, my love. I will not punish you for speaking openly, I can feel the questions rolling around in your head.

But, how did I speak to her without thinking it through completely? What if I offended her? She was my creator! My maker! My pulse skittered frantically in my veins, my heart pumping furiously as the doubts and worries crowed my mind. I knew I should simply sing her praises and be grateful for the blessings she had dealt me, for the life I still lived, but there were questions I needed answered. I so desperately wanted to ask every single question that flowed through my head, but only one came as words rolled out.

"Will you take him from me for what I've done?"


"Something isn't right, Sean." Her voice broke through the dark and her breath washed over my bare chest. I had known something was on her mind, tonight after the ceremony she'd been abnormally quiet, and my Tora wasn't one for silence. I had been concerned about her since the new's of Alpha Nate's death had spread, but she'd assured me she was fine. I'd only caught her gazing into nothing with a sad look on her face once, but it was enough to break my heart. After all of these years I knew she didn't love him the way she used to, he'd killed the part of her that had, but she'd never once wanted to see him dead. At least now she wanted to talk to me.

"What do you mean, baby?"

Her slow response wasn't what I expected.

"With Jackson, something isn't right. He doesn't look at Kira the way your parents look at one another, or even the way you look at me. It's forced. And she doesn't look at him like a woman in love... she stares at him like he's a trophy. The way that Amber used to look at Nate." The hitch in her voice had my chest tightening uncomfortably because I knew exactly what she was talking about. While we'd been thrilled that our only child had found his Mate, there had always been something off about their pairing, something unsettling. Kira didn't smile as much as bare her teeth at people, and when she looked at Jax it was with a gleam of victory and not undying love. I had wondered a few times if that was just her way of showing affection, if she came off as cold and more victorious than anything, but I had never really received an answer. It was unnerving, but if it were what the Goddess had intended for him, who was I to question it? Besides that, questioning only seemed to cause more harm than do good.


"That's not all, Sean. There was something about the way our baby looked at Tyler Parks tonight... the way their eyes caught on one another... I think... something isn't right...Sean, I think he's Jackson's Mate. " Her breath caught and her grip tightened on my hand under the sheet. None of what she was saying made sense to me, but I listened as she told me about a dream she had early on in her pregnancy, of another meeting with our Goddess. She'd never mentioned this dream before.

" - and she said that he would have to figure out the truth for himself. He would have to save his Mate." Her face turned upward, her breath now falling across my chin as I stared down at her in the darkness. "I wrote it off, honey. I thought that it was just crazy dreams from too much sugar or something. If I had thought it was a warning of sorts I never would've brushed it off!" Hot liquid dripped onto my flesh, and I felt the sting of her tears in my soul.

Oh, Goddess. Why would you do this?

My arms moved to wrap around her, enclosing her slender body in my embrace. She shook lightly as she sobbed, her misery coming out with every intake of breath and salty tear. I didn't know what to say to her, but honestly, what could I say? Tora had been through so much in her life, she'd jumped through all of the hoops our creator had tossed her and still managed to smile and see the blessings of life.

Truthfully I couldn't blame her for feeling the way she did about the situation. If she was right, and I had a sinking feeling she was, then it meant there were some dark forces at play -- only a handful of beings were able to replicate the euphoria of a Mating in order to dupe a Shifter. This didn't bode well for my son. It also meant that Jackson would have to decide whether or not he believed Tyler Parks was a murder like he was accused of being, or if the allegations against Alpha Nate were true.

There was no doubt in my mind that they were and the atrocities he was accused of committing were nauseating along with nightmare inducing.

I wondered what this would mean for Jackson. I knew it wasn't my place to question our Goddess' plans, and I had faith. I had to. The Goddess had given me the love of my life and had blessed me with a son, she had reasons for everything.

Goddess, whatever your plans are, please protect my son.

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