Book 3 - Carlisle - Chapter Three

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"War Overdue"

My back stiffened slightly; the air immediately thickened with tension. Gliding toward us were the Volturi, a group of men whom I had once considered friends. When I was longing for death, they took me in and showed me that life existed far beyond my expectations. They introduced me to a luxury and opulence that I never knew possible. My life with them was essentially the foundation on which I built the rest of my existence. I knew they hadn't approved of my choices from the beginning. Their disapproval was the reason why I lived my life so far away. I had never understood, until now, that far enough would never exist. My ability to build a family, to build the type of love and loyalty that they never could, would threaten them for all of eternity. And now, they'd finally found their reason to strike.

Aro, Marcus, and Caius strode toward us in a triangular formation. A cold, calculating smile spread across Aro's face, even Marcus' expression was one of attentiveness. Behind them were Athenodora and Sulpicia, safe within the confines of the triangular formation at their head and Corin, their protector and faithful companion, at their back. Surrounding their perimeter were the Volturi guard, their ranks organized outward by strength: Heidi, Afton, and Santiago made up part of the inner perimeter; Chelsea, Renata, Felix, Jane and Alec made up their outer ring of protection, with Jane and Alec walking alongside Aro, Marcus and Caius on either side. The looks on their faces were stony, determined. A small, satisfied sneer lifted one corner of Jane's mouth, while Alec remained unwilling to give away any emotion. Behind the full Volturi guard of thirty crept two dozen or so of the nomad vampires, no doubt forced into coming to Forks. Some followed behind with caution, some followed with purpose, while others looked terrified. Intentionally or not – they'd given their mission away; the Volturi were here to destroy. And, like it or not, we were outnumbered. A low, steady growl came from behind me.

"Easy, Billy," I murmured. My gaze met Aro's.


I barely nodded. "Aro."

Aro's smile was slow to appear, and calculating in its origins, "I hope our appearance hasn't come as too much of a...surprise?"

A collective chuckle rose from within the ranks of the Volturi; it infuriated me instantly. I could only answer to the best of my ability, determined not to begin the fight prematurely. "Not nearly as much as you hoped, Aro – you underestimate Alice's powers."

Aro shook his head. "I never underestimate, dear Carlisle. You already know that Alice has been – well, a favorite of mine for quite some time. And I do confess that I may have used my obsession with her gift to our advantage. After all, what kind of ruler would I be if I didn't know my constituents?"

He smiled at me then, turning a slow, arrogant sort of turn before facing me again. "To that end, let me assure you Carlisle – any knowledge you may have possessed had nothing to do with any shortcomings on the side of the Volturi."

"In that case, let me express our appreciation," I replied, my gaze challenging his, "After all, it was incredibly gracious of you to sacrifice Demetri for the sake of our allowed knowledge."

Emmett chuckled. An angry hiss floated from the center of the Volturi guard and floated upward. No punches would be pulled; I wasn't about to allow Aro to think he had bested us in any way.

Yet Aro's smile remained. "I'm afraid I have some bad news. It pains me to have to tell you this."

"I'm sure it does, Aro," I answered, "However, you may like to hear the truth of the matter before you decide to deliver your brand of...justice."

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