Book 2 - Billy - Chapter Two

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                                                                             "New Beginnings"

With all that happened in the last hour, worrying about me should have been the last thing on my mind. Yet here I sat, beneath a tree with my son before me in human form, holding a pair of jeans and a white undershirt. I stared at him, letting the feelings of concern emanate from my furry body. I sat on my haunches, not knowing what would happen if I phased back.

Jacob stood before me in awe, an uncontrollable smile on his face. He had let his excitement come out only after Renesmee had been filled in on what happened to Charlie. Jacob had forced her to pick up speed without explanation, because he hadn't wanted to break the connection with the pack. Poor Nessie had let out a piteous cry when Edward explained how Charlie had been attacked by Demetri and how I phased against all odds to save him from certain death. Nessie had taken off immediately to Carlisle's office, where Charlie was being held; that left Jacob and I here in the backyard while the remainder of the pack patrolled the perimeters of the Cullen house and La Push on my order.

"Dad, just phase back," he encouraged, "you're changed, I'm sure of it."

Am I? What if I phase back and I'm incapable of standing or rephasing again? I'd prefer to remain in this form forever. I'd enjoyed the strength too much; I'd savored the speed and agility this new body had given me, and I had no desire to give it up.

I felt concern coming from Leah, and then reassurance. Billy, I think you've changed. You must have renewed somehow.

Sam seemed to agree. She's right, Billy. I think you're okay to phase back.

Jacob spoke, his voice catching my outward attention over all else. "Dad, it's fine. Change back. I can't wait to see you."

I shook my head and then stared at him, waiting for an explanation. Jacob continued, "Dad, here's how I see it. If you phased, then you're healed. If you weren't, you wouldn't have been able to fight. I don't know how or why it was able to happen so fast, but it just makes sense that you'd be able to walk again if you phased back. You may have even reversed the aging process."

I couldn't hide my shock; could that be right? Was it possible that by phasing, I had turned back the hands of time? I felt a silent support coming from the pack, and I figured that even if Jacob's presumptions were wrong, I was able to save some form.

With a great amount of concentration, I focused on phasing back to my human form. I hoped for the best as I felt the shimmer of energy flow through me that meant I was reverting to my human form. I kept my eyes closed and remained in a crouched position so that I wouldn't have far to fall if my legs gave out.

But they didn't give out at all. My legs felt as strong as they had when I was in wolf form. I heard Jacob gasp; I opened my eyes and looked at him. My vision remained perfect; better than perfect, in fact. If I focused I could make out Jacob's individual hair follicles.

"How do you feel," Jacob asked, his mouth open in amazement.

I was barely able to answer; I stood slowly, and as my legs held their own for the first time in years, tears came to my eyes. "I feel incredible."

Jacob continued to stare. "I have to get you a mirror."

I laughed through my tears. "How about you give me those pants first?"

Jake laughed sheepishly, and tossed me the jeans. "Sorry, Pop."

I put the jeans on carefully; I was sort of waiting for the other shoe to drop. I half expected my legs to weaken and crumple beneath me. I hadn't stood unassisted in so long; the feeling was exhilarating. Jacob did not speak until I was finished.

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