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It's been approximately 72 hours since I left Arkham and I already miss my little ribbon. We had the best times together.

"Why would you miss that place Harley? They locked you up with no human respect." She doesn't understand how long I spent there. I had no home other than that, that I can't fully remember at least.

"It was home to me Red. I spent my many years there." She turns around from washing the dishes. I sat on top of the kitchen table ( who uses chairs? Smh. ) playing with my little Joker doll.  Ivy says I can't do any chores in this house because I'm bound to break something. I don't buy it.

"Your hair!" She drops everything in the sink and starts to mess around with my pigtails.

"You dyed the tips pink and blue! We have to get rid of it." I snatch my hair away from her hands and start to chew on it.

"Why?!" I screech.

"You look insane."

"I am insane." She sits me down on a chair and grabs her hair tools. She picks up a few bottles with some white stuff in it and begins painting it on my hair with a brush.

"Can I paint too?!" I wait for a yes but she shakes her head no.

"This is just to set in your hair until the pink and blue dye gets out. We don't do paint projects here. Sorry to disappoint if life was better at the freaking asylum Harls."

I slump down in my chair with arms crosses. I forgot how boring Ivy's house is. The only things exciting here are my babies, the gymnastics bar, and my clothes. Everything else has most likely to do with garden stuff.

"Done. In a few minutes your hair will be fully blonde again." I'm going to miss looking at my hair and remembering all the crazy memories me and Mr. J had together.

Suddenly a soft, faint noise is coming from Reds front door.

"Hello?" She tip toes over to the door when it comes crashing down. Smoke goes everywhere and giant men come in with weapons.

"Stop please!" I'm trying to stop them but they just move in closer.

"Come with us ladies. We don't think you know who we really are." The man takes my hand and drags me outside. A helicopter is waiting for me and Ivy.

"Woah." She jumps in first then me. I see the *gasps* B-MAN!

"What are you doing here bats!?" He sits down on the edge seat of the helicopter.

"I chose you Harley."

"Then why am I in here?" Red says to batman.

"I couldn't just take Harley. You see, my feelings for the best of me." I shake my head as bats takes off his mask. DANG THATS A WHOLE LOTTA HOT.

No one says anything until I slowly rub my hand on b-mans face. You poor beat up thing. I can't help myself. I bring my lips close to his and we kiss. Me and my absolute worst enemy kiss. How did this happen? What about Mr. J? Everyone in the rooms mouth drops. Even Ivy and she's never surprised. He pushes me away but holds on to my chin.

"See...this is what I can't let happen." But it feels so right, so good. Yet I see why this couldn't happen. Joker would find out and it would all be downhill from that.

The rest of the ride everyone was silent. It wasn't good silent, awkward silent. I don't regret any bit of it though.

"I almost forgot! Bats pulls the zipper of his costume down and out of nowhere Mr. J comes out.

"Puddin! Oh umm... it wasn't what it-" he kisses me and starts to laugh.

"I know. But you'll regret it." Everyone looks at each other. The guards didn't even know he was the joker.

"Oh great." Ivy throws her arms in the air, stands up and walks to me and Mr.J, she pulls me apart from him.

Joker pulls out his machine gun and fires at everyone. Me and Ivy find cover, but not for long. Each bullet sound feels like it's going into me, the regret, sadness, I'm done for.

Joker comes over by me and Red. He begins that crazy laugher as his head rolls back. He starts to fire and we jump out the helicopter window. We can still hear his ear bleeding cackle 200 feet down.

"I got this Harley!" Ivy snaps out some wings made of the leaves around her and we're flying.

I can feel Jokers heartbeat in my body, his voice in my lungs, his insanity, everywhere all around me.

I can finally breathe again. The weight lifted off my chest. Fresh air in my bones. I know I'm safe now, gone from insanity. The free falling feeling, a dream within me I've never felt before. I'm above everything, watching the clouds feeling my rolling shoulders again. Just when I'm about to land my feet on the ground. A soft petal lands on my head that indicates me to look up. Many birds Mr. J sent down to take me and Red. He knows I'm not Harley Quinn anymore, but a mere alter ego far, far from that.

The birds peck at me but I let it happen, they hurt Ivy so bad she Let's go and she falls to the ground, turns into nothing but dust. My anger gets to me. He wants to hurt my friends, I know Red wasn't the ending of a battle, but he beginning of a war.

The birds lift me up so I'm not free falling anymore, I see his helicopter now. I can't let go of these birds, I'm willing to suffer the pain of dust than to be with the complete psychopath I will become.

I close my eyes, embracing for impact, not by hitting the ground, but by seeing his filthy face again.

When I open, my Harley costume is descending to the ground below me. I have on my old doctor clothes. A baggy tucked in shirt, some jeans. But what is noticeable again is my hair. It isn't dyed thanks to Reds treatment, but also it's down and flowy like it was.

I step one foot at a time onto his turf now. The ledge of the helicopter closes and he is facing the opposite direction of me as I look at his back.

"Why, I haven't seen you in a long while have I?" He walks forwards me and he slowly rubs his hand down my neck. His hands as cold and dark as they always are.

"You know I missed you dear." He keeps speaking to me and I have no reply.

"You've changed, Brunette I see." He plays with my hair and I am quick to snap at his hand.

"Don't touch my hair, you disgust me." He seems shocked but I know he isn't. He goes to a little ledge where he grabs two champagne glasses filled with a black substance. He hands one to me and I take it.

"Go ahead darling...drink it." He smirks and knows I still don't have the guts to set it down. My palms get sweaty and I'm shaking so fast I'm about to drop and shatter the glass to a million pieces. But I drink it.

"Chug it darling, its good for you." I chug that whole glass down before he can finish his sentence.

Lights begin to flash, I feel faint. I kneel down to the ground in front of him.

"W-what was that?" He bends down to my height and sees me coughing.

"Doesn't matter." With that, pitch black. I don't feel anything in my body yet I'm still alive. This was a weak game for Mr. J but a storm will be coming when I wake up.

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