Chapter Three: The Queen's Orders

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As far as I could tell, I hadn't been noticed by either of them so I decided to stay put in my hiding place and see what information I could gather from their conversation.

"They've been quiet lately, haven't they, General?" Queen Entropy stated sharply. "Have you any news from the guards who patrol the barrier?"

I could tell that she was talking about the Curiman people from the frustration evident in her voice and the fact that she mentioned the barrier, a name she gave to the translucent magical shield held up by the Curiman Queen to protect the land.

"Not yet, your majesty. The current plans of the loathsome Curiman military remain unknown. However my men will remain sharp as ever nonetheless and anticipate an attack coming shortly. Surely by now that dreaded psychic among their ranks has discovered a fragment of our plans for our upcoming project." Replied my father

"Of course, that psychic cur is the one responsible for the failure of so many of our plans as of late. We must aim to destroy her first if we hope to get far at all with our new project. Tell me, what information do you have on her?" Entropy asked, her ornate sapphire dress glittering in the sunlight.

"I apologize my Queen but as of now we know her name and very little else. She is evidently called Gretchen Lazuli and is head of the Curiman army, second only to Aura of course, alongside her husband whom we believe is named Cyrus."

"Very well, that will have to serve us for now. I trust you, General Vindecca, with the task of finding out all you can about this Gretchen so that she may be captured soon before we begin work on our upcoming project. See to it that she remain unharmed for now, as she could be a great asset for our struggling military force and thus it would be in our best interests to keep her alive." Entropy stated finally.

Suddenly a dark shadow overtook her face and she stepped back, visibly uncomfortable. I could hear her breath quicken and her razor-like teeth started to grind.

"Is something wrong, your majesty? You seem to be in pain." My father questioned

"Just... leave now. Inform the strategists of our conversation and see to it that they understand my orders."

"Of course, my Queen. Will you be alright?" My father said cautiously.

"Did you not hear my orders, General? Of course I will be fine, I am a God! I can handle any ailment that dares to pain me!" Entropy shouted indignantly.
"Oh, of course Queen Entropy, I would never doubt your power. I will now visit the strategists as you ordered."
My father stammered, as he began to quickly leave the kitchen. As much pleasure as it brought me to see my father afraid, I have to admit that his reaction was justified. Entropy had an explosive temper and was not known to be above destroying things and people in her rage.

"Yeah, you do that." I heard Entropy mutter under her breath as he made his way towards the door I was standing behind.

Realizing that my father was approaching, I tore out from behind the wall without being seen and dove behind one of the many massive fabric-draped chairs set up around the formal dining hall. I heard my father pause where he was walking and turn towards the area I had hidden in. I crossed my fingers that he would not find me, I wasn't ready to relive our past argument this early. I breathed a sigh of relief as he passed and I heard his armored boots stomp out of the room and down one of the many castle halls. Suddenly, a voice broke through my thoughts.

"You can come out now you know." Said Entropy.

I sighed, realizing that I had been found out, and stood up from behind my chair. There I saw Queen Entropy, now standing in the kitchen with her hands on her hips. I waited for her to speak again for a moment until she continued.

"Your welcome for the unlocked door, I had to negotiate with your father all night for that. He really shouldn't keep you locked up in here like he does." She with surprisingly genuine sympathy.

"I'm used to it I guess. I mean, it still sucks but I'm used to it by now. Uh, your Majesty." I added on quickly.

"You really don't have to call me that, you're like what, ten? I only demand a title like that from my soldiers."

I'm really thirteen but I knew better than to correct her.

"Well, do you need anything? I'm supervising the barrier troops this morning so I can't tutor you today."

"There is just one thing, my migraines have been bothering me recently and I really need this one specific root to make a healing potion but I can't get it myself." I said, thinking back to yesterday.

"A healing potion? Can you just use one of the ones we have here?"

"There aren't any right now. Ever since last week's um, accident with the Curimans all of the castle's healing potions have been going towards the injured soldiers."

"Right, I'm sure you know by now that our loss was all thanks to that Curima psychic general you heard me talking about. Clearly something must be done about her." Entropy said, starting to sound angry again.

"Oh, uh, it's okay. I always like making potions on my own anyways since it can apparently help develop skill in magic. I just really need this one root, it's from a plant called the Warkhem lilly, and then I'll be fine. Totally fine." I said nervously, trying to change the subject and prevent another spell of rage from Entropy.

"Well alright, if that's the only thing you need I'll do my best to find you some. I'll try to get it to you by this afternoon."

"Right, perfect, thank you." I said, hoping to end our conversation.

"Your welcome, Redd." Said Entropy, as she began down the same hallway my father had left through.

Entropy had always been my teacher of sorts. Since my father didn't allow me to go to any kind of the schools we have here in Entragoria Entropy had always tried to teach me some of her extensive knowledge on magic. I was getting better at it, but since so often magic required natural supplies to garuntee results it was difficult for me to complete spells on my own. Entropy and I had a sort of agreement going on where if I asked her for a specific plant or herb or something she would bring it to the castle for me so I could continue my studies, all without my father knowing. She also was the only other person in the world who called me by my preferred name instead of the awful name my father and everybody else who thought I was a girl called me.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 08, 2016 ⏰

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