2- Bossy Section Leaders

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Personally, my section leader is wonderful. However, like all positions of power, there are people who are BOUND to misuse it. Do I have examples? Of course...

1- section leaders who are in OTHER section's family business...
ARGH!!!! This legitimately drives me up the field commander podium. Okay, story time!!! Let's get this out of the way. At the time I'm writing this specific chapter, and the time this happened, I am a freshman. Freshman are friends, not food. Anyway, there were interval problems in between me and another girl from my section, so I talked to her about it. She understood, and we BOTH agreed we could BOTH do something to fix it. We fixed it the next run, and no more problem. Until my section leader asked to see me after rehearsal. Not thinking twice about it, I was like okay, I probably made a stupid mistake that he was gonna make me run for, no big deal. Ha, no. One of the OTHER section leaders thought I was being extremely rude to this person. Why can a freshman be having a casual conversation about interval problems with an upperclassmen and it be seen as RUDE when a senior (who is NOT the section leader, I might add) can literally be VERY RUDELY YELLING at a freshman who could be doing absolutely NOTHING WRONG (not that I'm saying I don't make mistakes, I do, but this person was doing the literal same thing he was yelling at me for(this has happened multiple times)) and it be seen as perfectly fine??? WHY IS THIS A THING??? Anyway, I talked to the chick, and she said I was cool, she admitted she was making a mistake, and that I was in no way overstepping boundaries. So, no harm done.

2- Section leaders (and upperclassmen in general) who think all freshman are inheritably idiots and don't know the first thing about band... Even if the freshman is better than they are...

Again, not talking about myself, because I am very not better than my section leader, and I will readily admit it to ANYONE, but upperclassmen just generally think all freshman are scum. This is not true. Sure, we probably are idiots (Myself included), but some of us are really good. For example, bossy and know it all sophomore (I would say it to her face) telling me VERY OBVIOUS FINGERINGS after having this music for at least 6 WHOLE MONTHS (without me asking her)!!! Also, an EXTREMELY talented trumpet player (luv ya, Mama Taco!!! :3), who could easily outplay at least one of the section leaders, being treated like absolute scum... I do not appreciate...

3- Non-section leaders who think they should be the section leader...

Hello, again, bossy senior I mentioned in the first paragraph!!!! I'm going to call him Bobby for now, and no, his name is not really Bobby. Bobby is a senior, and my section leader is a junior. Also, Bobby plays French horn while my section leader (let's call him Timmy) plays trumpet. This is taken seriously in the mello section (not really, but I don't like half of my section leaving during concert season). This makes Bobby think he is much better than Timmy, but this is not true. Bobby would not actually be a bad section leader, if he could not be the most critical human being on earth, get along with his section, not act like he's better than the rest of the section just because he's a senior (SENIORITY DOESN'T MATTER. THERE IS TYPICALLY AT LEAST ONE LOWERCLASSEMAN WHO IS BETTER THAN YOU(no offense to all my seniors!!! Most of you are okay people. :3), learn how to play dynamics like he has been playing instruments a while, okay, yeah, Bobby, there are reasons you are not a section leader.

4- section leaders who think they know everything

You don't. Enough said.

Okay, this chapter went on much longer than expected. I'm gonna leave it here...


*ba, ba, baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!*

Also, please comment if

A- you are an upperclassman who doesn't think all freshman are scum

B- you have stories!!! I luv da stories.

C- you have experienced these problems

or D- you think your section leader is wonderful :3


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