Hybrid Love(Mavin)

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I heard footsteps hitting the cold steel floor, and I perked up, wagging my tail slightly. My master had returned. I started barking happily, until the door opened. Master walked in, stern-looking as always, and looked at all of the cats, dogs, rabbits and guinea-pigs kept in cages against the wall. He then walked up and down the corridor-like room, looking at us all close up, until he stopped at my cage. I looked up at him, tail wagging and tongue hanging, trying to look cute. He unlocked the cage, picked me up, and took me out of the room, while I heard the other animals calling out in protest. They all knew I was only a puppy, born in this building, and for some reason, didn't want me to go. Master took me to a larger room, with a table in the middle. There was a cow at one side of the room, tied up, with a sign that said 'Edgar' next to it. Master put me down on the table and sat next to it, looking at me with interest.

"Hmm.....Golden Retriever puppy......11 weeks......fairly good body shape.......not too depressed.......hmm, looks like a good specimen. What to call you......" He looked around the room. "How about Gavin? And just so you know, my name is Ryan."

I looked at Ryan, my head titled in confusion. Why would I need to know his name? I saw that he had pulled out a needle and was trying to put it in me. I tried to run, but Ryan held me down and injected the oddly purple liquid into me. I felt my body stretching, changing, my front paws grew, and my snout shrunk. I whimpered in pain, and eventually, the changing stopped. I opened my eyes. Everything looked the same, but there were colours. I looked around, until I saw my legs, my HUMAN legs. Ryan had turned me into a human. I used my....arms, I think, to push my upper-body up, and felt something on my leg. My tail. I still had my tail. I wasn't a complete human. And I could still hear cries from the room with the cages, so I figured I still had my doggy ears as well. Ryan looked at me, smiling evilly.

"Perfect. Now then, Gavin, speak."

I opened my mouth, and instead of barking, I spoke human. "Ryan." I whispered. This was strange. How come I was a human? What did Ryan want with a puppy turned human? He pulled me up by my collar until I was standing on the cold floor. That was when I realised I had no clothes on. Ryan smirked, then pressed me up against the wall.

"We're going to have some fun, aren't we, my little dog?" He growled.

Uh oh.

Hybrid Love(Mavin)Where stories live. Discover now