Chapter 6

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"Mr. Ellis, is basically like a father to me, I've never met my father and my mother..well I don't know where she is. Though Mr. Ellis is different, he makes me feel like I'm not alone." I nod , I understand completely , I've barely gotten to spend anytime with my parents. "Mr. Ellis , is the only person I can talk too, without him, I don't know if I would've been able to become friends with you." he continues. "Charlotte, he can't be gone, I can't be alone, I just can't. I need him here." he cries. My eyes widen as I start to realize that I could see myself in him.

Frightened, alone, sad, torn, his face showed those emotions, the same emotions I've been feeling. I didn't want that, not for him, "Kayden." I said. He looked at me with tears rolling down his face, "what?". "You're not alone." I say , "What do you mean?" He replies. "You're not alone because you have me right beside, I know it tough right now but I'm right here." I answer. "Huh? That doesn't make sense." he responds. "We're friends, doesn't that mean we will never be alone. Friends always stick together, right? No matter what, even if friends aren't together physically, doesn't mean you're alone , it means they are there in spirit." I answer.

His eyes widen, "You're glowing." he says surprised. "Huh?" My eyes widen and I look at my body and its glowing. Glowing white, is this my magic that's doing this? "What's going on?" I ask worriedly. "You're becoming an adept mage." he answers. "Is this what those books were about for learning adept magic?" I ask. He nods, "Yes, it was meant to find your core, once you found it you would be able to produce magic with ease." he answers. My eyes widen, "how do I make it stop?" I ask. "Focus on an emotion opposite of what you made you feel this way." he answers. I nod and try to find something like anger or sadness. Then my mind reminds me of home, and my body returns to normal.

I then look at Kayden who is trying to wipe up his tears off his face. "Kayden.." I say. "Hmm?" He looks at me. "I was wondering since Mr. Ellis isn't here, who is the teacher?" I ask. "Ah..well you see we were on break while Mr. Ellis was in your world. We were going to go back to learning as soon as he got back. Though he never came back.."he answers. "Oh.., so you have no teacher?" I ask. He nods, "every apartment room is like dorm for a certain teacher and school, and in the apartment room is like dorms. So yes we have no teacher because he was our only teacher. Each teacher teaches different magic things. It's like , trying to make an artist teach math. It isn't good for anyone and no fun." he answers.

"Though couldn't student's learning the subject teach themselves, Mr. Ellis always made me learn spells and study by myself." I say. "Hmm.. teach ourselves, it could work but what about stuff we don't know?" He asks. "Like any student you go and search for information explaining it." I answer. He nods, "We can also teach each other, there is probably stuff we aren't good in, but someone else is like June with her clockwork, I know nothing about it. Though I would go to her instantly if I wanted to learn anything about clockwork magic." I continue. "Yeah, I agree, I think we can work something out." he answers. I smile, "plus I bet we can find the spell you're looking for together then alone." I comment. He gives me a small smile and nods.

We end up heading back inside and gather everyone and told them about the idea. Most of them agreed and a few didn't but I'm not going to name names. Either way the plan worked , in a few days everybody was learning something new and it felt like a school well I guess. Either way it was turning out to be a great success, and Kayden seemed to be happier. It was good time for now anyways.


Time flew by before I knew it , it had been two months I had been in this world. I had become friends with June and Theo now and I seemed to be on good terms with Lara. Though it was hard to tell with her because she always ignored me, which I mean I guess is better than saying something rude. Either way, things seemed to be getting better and better. We all had improved as mages as well: Kayden was able to make a fireball three times his size, June had broken through with a new clockwork spell and Theo had gotten the ability to change into water. Though I think he could already do that but just started to say it aloud he could do it.

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