Chapter 8

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 I turn in my sleep instead of feeling a hard cold cave floor instead I feel a nice warm bed. I open my eyes and sit up, I was in a bed. I looked around me and there was chairs and I was hooked up to some machine. I looked around and in one of the chairs, a person was asleep. I could tell that it was a guy , he almost looked like Kayden. He had silver hair, and the same clothes that Kayden wore except he was much older than I last saw Kayden. I rub my eyes slightly to see if I was dreaming, I wasn't. This was definitely reality, then that must mean I was in dream of some sort.

Then if that was the case then where was I when I was dreaming. What happened while I was out, I turn to stand up and I see that the guy starts to wake up. I decide to stay still and wait for him to wake up. He might be able to help me out and tell me what is going on. I watched him as he yawned and stretched, he stood up and stretched again and walked around in a circle. He then looked over in my direction, he looked at me and his eyes widen. He rubbed his eyes as if he saw a dream, but from what I could tell he knew his eyes weren't lying to him.

"Charlotte..?" he questioned me. I nod, "Yes? Who are you?" I ask. He looks at me with disbelief, "You don't remember me?" he answers. I look at him , he looks a lot like Kayden and almost sounds like him except this guy's voice is bit deeper. "I'm Kayden, you've been in a coma for 3 years." he says. My eyes widen, I was in a coma.. How? That girl! She casted a spell on me or something. "I found you laying on the ground not moving near an old bookshop , you were breathing thankfully but you didn't wake up at all to anything. So I took you to the hospital." He continues. I nod slightly, for 3 years I was in a deep sleep, I missed 3 years of my life. 3 years , I was alone for 3 years. And I didn't even realize it.

"I know it's a lot to take in, but thankfully you don't have amnesia, that would of been worse." he comments. "Yeah." I say monotony. "I missed a bunch of stuff didn't I?" I ask. He nods slightly, "Yeah, you're very lucky though, when I brought you to the hospital and they looked over you , they said that there was a huge chance you would pass away. Somebody had casted a death spell on you. I don't know who though , even the doctors didn't know." he continues. Death spell? Is that the magic that girl had, the one with my face she must of been the reason I went into a coma. Though I don't think she knew she was doing it, I think she was unaware of what she was doing.

"I think I know, there was this girl she looked like me, well my face anyways. She walking in the direction towards me and I started to feel lightheaded before I knew it I passed out. I don't think she was aware of what happened or if she even knows it was her that is did it." I say. Kayden looks at the ground for a brief second and then at me, "A girl that looks like you? I highly doubt that , I've only ever seen you." he says. "I know but that's what I saw." I stated. He nods slightly, "Other than that, I've found a way to open up a portal!" he says excitedly. "Really? When and how?" I ask.

"Well you see when you were sort of "gone", I found a book that I never read, in this book showed different portals to different worlds and how they work and instructions on how to make them. It was in my pillowcase, I guess that explains some of my headaches." He answers happily. I smile, "now I can get my revenge on Miss. Clark" I murmured. "Hmm?" he asks, I shake my head, "Nothing, I'm glad, now we can go find Mr. Ellis." I answer. "Actually speaking of Mr.Ellis, if you found out how to make a portal and everything why haven't you gone. You should've since you had like 3 years." I ask. "Well you see, I can't access the portal to your world unless you are with me, there has to be one person you have to take with you from the world you're going too." he answers.

"Oh.., so that's why. Still there must of been others who have come through that portal from my world after all." I state. "Well, you see, a lot has happened in three years." He says. "No, I know that." I say annoyed. "No you don't." he says concernedly. I look at him, he looks at the ground, "What happened while I was in the coma Kayden?" I demanded. "I didn't want to tell you right away, but while you were in the coma, the whole country has been taken over." he answers . "By who?" I ask. "By Coldvale.., they somehow found a spell or magic that allows them to control people." He answers.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 10, 2016 ⏰

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