Chapter 1

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"What did you bury in the garden?", asked my nanny. I looked up at her and giggled, "It's a secret." She smiled and nodded, "I understand." she replied. I always trusted my nanny, she always kept our secrets and always made me smile. She never questioned anything that I did and always made sure that I was happy. Even if my parents were not around, she always tried her best. She was my friend, not just a friend; a best friend.

"Alright Charlie, let's take you inside. It's time for your magic lessons." she stated. She looked at me with a kind smile and let out her hand to take me to my lessons. I grabbed it with much excitement since I loved practicing magic. I was always told that magic was a gift not a curse and that my magic was a very special gift. It didn't really matter to me though, I only cared that my nanny would watch me practice. With her by my side I could feel like I could do anything.

We headed inside and down the halls till we arrived at the practice room. We entered the room together and nanny sat down in her usual spot and pointed to the teacher. The teacher was a bit older than my nanny and had different tattoos on both of his arms. He said they were spells to help enhance his magic, though to me it looked like a lot of shapes and words that were barely recognizable.  Either way I headed up to him and he looked up from his desk and smiled at me. "Ah, it's great to see you again Miss Charlotte." he greeted. I smiled and nodded, "Mm hmm!".

"Have you been practicing the spells we learned last week?", he asked in a calmly matter. I nodded , "Then will you show me what you've practiced?" he ordered. I nodded and walked over to the middle of the room and stood there. I then started to move my hands in front of me and started to move them in motion as I chanted the spell. "Winds of the all directions, I beckon thee to heed my will." A small tornado started to form in front of me , I continued to move my hands to hold the tornado in place. The tornado continues to stay in place as I close my eyes to focus more energy into it. 

I open my eyes and see that the tornado became bigger than I was. My arms were starting to hurt from holding the tornado in place for so long. I looked at my teacher with slight worry , he looked at me and nodded. I then crossed my arms canceling the tornado. The tornado disappeared as clapping filled the room, I turned to look to see where it was coming from. It was my nanny, "Wonderful!, you're doing so well.", she complimented. I smiled brightly. I looked over at my teacher who nodded in agreement; "You're doing very well, soon you will be able to do adept spells." he commented.

He stood up and walked over to the shelf and picked up a book and walked over to me handing the book. I took it and looked at the book curiously. "I want you to start reading this and taking notes, it's pretty advanced but I have a feeling this will be an easy read for you. It'll help you notice different forms of magic other than yours and mine." he concluded. I nodded and ran my hand over the cover of the book, smooth with a slight grainy texture. "That's all I have for you today, you're dismissed." he announced.

I nodded and looked at my nanny; "Go on ahead, I have to talk to Mr. Ellis." she urged. I nodded again and headed out the room as my nanny stood up to go and talk to Mr. Ellis. I personally didn't want to go without my nanny so I decided to stand next to the door. I looked at the floor as I waited for my nanny, I could hear them chattering so I tried to ignore them. A part of me wanted to listen to what they were talking about but I knew better. Though curiosity said otherwise..

I peeked around the corner of the door and looked inside. Mr. Ellis and my nanny were in the middle of the room discussing something. Mr. Ellis looked pretty serious about the topic, my nanny on the other hand was acting calmly. Their voices got a tiny bit louder to where I could hear more clearly what they were saying. "Are you sure that Mr. and Mrs. Knights are aware of this?", asked Mr. Ellis.  "If they were aware of this they would of tighten security tonight." she replied. "Miss. Clark, are you sure it's going to be okay?" he asked worriedly. "It will be fine, and if you want to feel even safer you can make some protection barriers.", she calmly stated.

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