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art by the lovely sleepykittystudios

       Sunlight stretched down from the sky without any clouds obstructing it, it's gentle golden rays just barely providing any warmth to the forest below it

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Sunlight stretched down from the sky without any clouds obstructing it, it's gentle golden rays just barely providing any warmth to the forest below it. Dipperflight padded alongside a border patrol consisting of Stonevine, Sorrelleap, Eveningpelt, their apprentice Dandelionpaw, and himself.

      Dandelionpaw chirped loudly, talking about how she once had to fight a hawk to catch a mouse, her long-haired tail waving with excitement. Her dilute calico mentor half-listened, her eyes focused ahead, while the dark ginger Sorrelleap was completely invested in the story. Stonevine led the patrol, her gray tabby tail high. Dipperflight took it all in with interest.

      Going on patrol was one of his favorite things, especially the ones out to the RiverClan border. It was nice to clear his mind outside of camp, the fresh air and the dull, yet full, scent of water carried on the wind and through his pelt. While the RiverClan border was fairly dangerous with Sunningrocks a constant battleground, and their sharp glares weren't usually very pleasant, he couldn't help but feel content. He was keeping his clan safe, while at the same time he was doing as Fennelstorm had asked.

       "Stay near the back of the patrol, and keep your eyes open. If anything bad happens, you run back to camp. I'll be getting a full report from Stonevine when you get back," Fennelstorm had meowed with head high.

"Dandelionpaw, don't run too far ahead." A wind rustled the leaves and grass, and sound of sloshing water alerted the patrol that they had arrived at the border. The trees just barely thinned out, stopping almost suddenly several fox-lengths from the edge of Sunningrocks.

"The rocks are barely warm...," Dandelionpaw complained. The patrol was more upstream from the large stones, but the white apprentice had found a stray rock to leap onto.

"That's because it's Leaffall. Now, get down from there and mark the border like a proper warrior." Eveningpelt lectured her apprentice, who reluctantly tramped back to her gray, cream, and white mottled mentor. They moved further up the border, Stonevine stopping to check the scent and remark a clump of grass next to the riverside. Dipperflight stood near the back, his eyes watching the other side of the river as the others spread along to refresh the marks. He carefully observed Dandelionpaw, who was playing at the rushing water's edge.

       Just as he was about to warn her to step away from the edge, his heart dropped as he watched Sorrelleap unknowingly back up right into the apprentice. The white cat let out a shriek as she splashed into the river, sweeping the scrawny apprentice down under. Dipperflight didn't even wait to catch a patrol member's eye.

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