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     The forest was cold

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     The forest was cold. It had grown considerably chillier in the few weeks since his dip in the river; leaf-bare was closing in with sharp teeth and narrowed eyes. Dipperflight fluffed up his coat as another wind gusted through the shaded territory, sending brown, crunchy leaves flying off the floor in its wake.

The gust, though unpleasant, brought with it the tantalizing sent of mouse. Dipperflight dropped to the ground, his eyes scanning the leaf-fall golden foliage until they fell upon a small, dusky brown creature. It was quite full bodied, it's tiny forepaws rooting through the scuffed earth as it searched for something.

The hunter slowly crept forward, his ears foreword, large paws lightly landings on the earth with a silence. The mouse paused, and in a slight panic, he leaped, landing just barely close enough to grab the mouse with his claws, nipping it's neck quickly.

He whispered his thanks to StarClan, his heart racing with exhilaration. I bet Plumkit and Cypresskit would love this mouse, they're always asking me to bring one back to camp! He paused, eyes growing round with anxiety. OH STARCLAN. Fennelstorm told me to stay in camp today he's going to freak-- He paused, regaining his composure with a deep breath. It's fine. It's fine. He's a good cat, he'll be okay with it. He breathed all the way out, peacefulness pushing away the fear, being replaced by a liveliness. Fennelstorm is a good cat. He'll understand.

His senses felt so alive with the thought-- everything seemed to be clicking lately. I can make this work with Fennelstorm, I understand everything now, I understand that he's not the nicest. I'll help him to see it though, like he helped me when Ravenfur died, and maybe I can be a better mate too. He picked up the mouse, a bright gleam in his amber eyes. Everything's going to work out.

He turned, tabby tail high, but let out a small shriek of surprise as he turned muzzle-to-muzzle with Fennelstorm himself.

  "Dipperflight!" His words were like venom, spitting out of his mouth like an adder hissing when threatened. His fur, the color of fallen leaves, was on end, his hackles high, green eyes leering, and sharp teeth baring.

The brown tabby's heart was already racing from the shock of nearly running into to the tom, and he felt his heart drop, stepping back a few paces. This is really bad. I was really wrong. This is really, really bad. He told me to stay in camp today no, no, no, I didn't think th--

Fennelstorm closed the fox-length gap between them in an instant. His forepaw raised, slashing down. Dipperflight jumped back slightly as it happened, the blow landing on his cheek. A sharp pain shot through his face, and dark red blood weakly spurt out from the wound. His heart that once seemed to be racing now seemed to have completely stopped. His pupils were contracted, his muscles tense. His weakly looked up to his mate, his brown tabby face completely horrified.

      Fennelstorm was still fuming with anger, but an unreadable looks flashed in his eyes. It quickly faded as he bared his teeth.

       "I told you to stay in camp you piece of fox-dung," he growled, olive green eyes still holding a hint of anger.

       "I-I'm sorry--!" Dipperflight croaked, lowing himself to the ground, his tail tucking. "I didn't mean to--"

       "Really? I feel like you did mean to. StarClan, you're so dull. What kind of mate are you; you do everything I tell you not to do. All I do is be good to you and you just-- do this." He bared his teeth. "I should leave your rat-hearted pelt." Dipperflight shook his head quickly, his eyes widening.

       "P-please don't!" He cried, shaking, taking a step to press his face into the ginger tabby's chest. "Please don't leave me." I don't want to be alone--! I don't want to be without love. Everything just hurts too much when you're all alone...!

       Fennelstorm curled his lip, shoving the warrior away as he took a step back.

        "Cats who love you are supposed to forgive you-- they're supposed to be kind and--" the dark tabby started.

       "I am forgiving you. Obviously. I haven't left you," the deputy looked him up and down before turning, tail high. "You've got a hairball for a brain. Why are you even being so rude as to talk back to me: the caring mate that loves you?" He growled. Dipperflight's gaze fell to the ground.

"I-I don't know...."

He could barely feel the sting of his cheek over the terrible gut-retching churning at his stomach. "Fennelstorm I'm sorry..." He whispered again. Fennelstorm turned his head ever so slightly, his eyes narrowed.

"If any other cat had you for a mate they would've left you by now. You're lucky to have me." He reminded with a scoff. "Get back to camp. Now." The dark tom hastily nodded, quickly padded past in the direction of camp without looking back, the mouse laying forgotten.

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