Chapter Twenty

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Travis' P.O.V.

  I never thought I could yell at Zane like that. I feel like crap. "TRAVIS!!!" Garroth shouted walking into my room. I grabbed my knife and shoved it in my pocket. "Aphmau heard about the break-up and wants to talk to you." He said still sounding a bit calm. "Now?" I questioned. "Yeah, well she's coming over so just be ready." He said then walking up stairs.

~Few minutes later!~

  "TRAVIS" Aphmau shouted while coming into my room. " Yessss?" I asked. "WHAT THE HECK WERE YOU THINKING, KNUCKLEHEAD!!!" She shouted. "Don't call me that, plus I wasn't." I said. Zane called me knucklehead. "YOU KNOW HOW ZANE IS. HE TRUSTED YOU TRAVIS." She keep yelling. I really wanted to yell back but that would make matters worse. "TRAVIS!" She yelled. "I DIDN'T WANT TO OKAY! I WAS HURT HE DIDN'T TRUST ME ENOUGH TO TELL ME WHAT HE DID. HE DID THE SAME THING ONCE RIGHT? I CAN MAKE MISTAKES CAN'T I. I'M NOT PERFECT OKAY. I'M TIRED OF PEOPLE MAKING ME FEEL LIKE CRAP FOR MESSING UP!" I shouted and sat on my bed. I layed down and put my arms under my head forgetting about my cuts.

Zane's P.O.V.

  Aph stormed over to Travis' house after I told her what happened. Right now I just feel like Travis didn't mean to be so mean. I don't think he meant to say that. "Zane, can we talk?" Katelyn said walking downstairs. "Umm. Don't you hate me though?" I asked. "So.. I just don't like seeing Aph that mad. So I think I should tell you that Travis didn't mean the words he said. He was just upset and felt like he did something wrong. It was nothing against you..." She explained tears in my eyes. "H-h-he felt like he did something wrong but why???" I asked. "I don't know all he texted in the group chat was that you didn't trust him enough to tell him what happened." She said.

  I ran out of the house and over to Travis' house. I knocked on the door. Garroth answered "Hey baby brother." He said. "Is Travis here?" I asked. "Yeah, downstairs in his room." He said. "Can I go see him.Alone." I asked. "Go ahead." He replied. I ran down and stopped at his door. Come on Zane you can do this.

~Few minutes later!~

   I knocked on the door. "Come on in..." He said. He sounded upset. I walked in "H-h-hi" I stuttered. I'm turning into Garroth. "Hi." He mumbled. "I'm sorry." I said. "Sorry for what?" He asked. "Everything." I replied. "Everything... For meeting me, for dating me, for your dad, for Hitler, for global Warming." He shouted a little.(So when you know but don't) "For not telling you. For lying to you. For making you feel like you did something." I said tears flowin' down my cheeks. "It's fine Zane." He said. "If it was fine you wouldn't call me Zane. Travis." I said. "I broke a promise I made with you. Just  a little while ago." He said looking done. "Which one was that?" I asked. "Well two to be honest." He said. "Which two?" I asked. He dug the knife out of my pocket and handed it to me. " What is this supposed to do?" I asked. "Open it" He said looking down at his shoe's. I opened it and starred at the blood covering the knife. Not the old blood from last time, this was recent. "...." I heard him shift on the bed. I looked over to him he didn't even look up at me. "Travis, can you look at me..." I said. He shook his head no.

  (Fangirl's be ready!) I tackled him making his back flat on the bed, me on top of him. "I-I-I'm sorry." I said tears wanting to fall. "You didn't do anything, Zane-y" He said smiling. "I did. You just had to meet me had to get feelings for me, then this happens." I mumbled and started crying my tears falling on his face. "I love you." He mumbled and hugged me. "I-I-I love you too." I said my head resting on his chest. (He lost he grip so when Travis hugged him and they Zane rolled next to him.) "Then kiss me Zane." He said. I kissed him and he kissed back.

  We soon pulled away for air. (STUPID OXYGEN!!!) "Yeah, Garroth I think they're fine." Laurance said making me sit up and look at him. "I can see that Laur." Garroth said smirking. "Shut up!" I growled as I pulled up my mask. "You two are so cute though." Laurance said smirking a little. I glared at him, "like how when Garroth was around he couldn't stop smiling nor be mad at you." I said smirking. Garroth glared at me. "Oh look Garroth is blushing." Laurance joked. "S-s-s-shut u-u-up" He stuttered. "Come on Zane don't be so mean to Garroth." Travis said. "Okay fine, or how Little Laurance blushed everytime that you said Garroth and never stopped talking about him." I murmured.

~Few hours later and back at Aphmau's house!~ Zane's P.O.V.

  "I swear to Irene Travis, you hurt him I will---" Aph started before Aaron but his hand on her mouth. "Aph I think they will be fine." He said then took his hand away. "Put Zaneeeee." She wined. "I'll be fine Aph." I said holding Travis' hand. "I'm not going to hurt him, I don't wanna hurt him." Travis said.

~After they went home and Travis went somewhere for an hour~ Travis' P.O.V.

  "Babe. Where you go." I wined. "Zane." I shouted. Oh crap, ummm worry is here. I ran upstairs to the bedroom and opened the door. "Z-Zane." I stuttered. "Can I kill Garte now." He mumbled weakly. "Maybe after we clean you up..." I mumbled trying not to cry. I helped him up and layed him down on the bed. I went into the bathroom and grabbed some bandages and a rag and put some water on it. I grabbed a bowl and filled it with warm water.

  I walk back over to Zane and started cleaning up his wound has he put his hand on my cheek. "Call Garroth please..." He said weakly. "Okay." I replied. I walked into the hallway and did as he asked.

~Garroth's P.O.V.~

  I was watching a movie with Laurance. (Okay I'm about to die writing this...) I was laying down with him snugged up on his chest his hand making circles on my arm. My phone started going off and I answered it pressing the phone to my ear.

Travis: Okay... I'm about to tell you something that you may want to kill somebody for...

Garroth: Travis what are you talking about.

Travis: Zane is hurt... Like really bad...

I sat up.

Garroth: WHAT!!!

  He hung up. "What happened babe." Laurance said sitting up. "Zane is hurt... But I don't know how hurt or who and what when where..." I started before Laurance kissed me, I kissed back. He pulled away and said, "Calm down and let's think if Travis called he most likely at Zane's house." "Okay, sorry baby." I said getting up.

~At Zane's house and after a long phone call with police and Vlyad.~ Zane's P.O.V.

  "Zane!" Vlyad shouted breaking down the door. "Vlyad my doooor. Are all of you Garroth now?" I joked. "Hey I opened the door this time,so I don't always break it down." Garroth complained. "You didn't break it down this time because I stopped you." Laurance said. "One more thing, did any of you guys tell Aph." I asked. "Yeah, well Aaron is stopping her from killing Garte." Vlyad explained, "She listened in on me and Garroth's conversation." "Oh thank Irene." I sighed in relief. "Yeah well lucky for Travis coming home when he did." Laurance said. "N-no I could of stopped him if I would have never left." Travis said still pacing.

  I stood up and hugged him. "You had no way of knowing Travis, so don't you dare blame yourself." I whispered in his ear, "Wenigstens bist du jetzt hier, Ich liebe dich." (You gotta brain)"Ich liebe dich auch" He said wrapping his arms around me.

Author Note: Words: 1370! Okay now can you not kill me. I'm sorry I haven't been updating I have been busy with school and homework. Now it's a week break so I will try to update one more time this week. Oh and if you read my So What I have a Past too, I will be updating on there today too.

German words meaning.

ich liebe dich auch- I love you too

Wenigstens bist du jetzt hier, Ich liebe dich- At least you're here now, I love you.

Now I wanna thank @Ashleynom She commented on my last book and has been supporting me for a while now. I just wanted to think her... Thank you so much, love ya.

The Broken Souls Come Together {Zanvis} (Zane X Travis)Where stories live. Discover now