Chapter 1 - HYDRA and the Wolf Girl

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Hello, and welcome to my new book Wolf Girl. So I hope you enjoy and leave you reviews in the comments section :) Also if you have any ideas about this book or another let me know :) have my Wolfies 🐾

Thanks to @foxieshifter
for the new cover

9:03am New York

Captain America sat quietly in the undergrowth nearby to a HYDRA facility. A small slip up by one agent had given them all the information required for the mission.

They had been caught dragging animalistic and feral people in from the bushland around the building. Some with pointed canines, held by silver chains, others dressed in furs and pelts of other forest creatures.

Black Widow sent her signal over the comset, and Captain America lept into action. His objective was to get inside the control room and shut the place down.

He barged into the building, and was stunned when nobody was there to oppose him. All were laying on the ground, some with Widow bite wounds and others with what seemed to be battleaxe wounds.

He continued in and made it to the control room. He flung his shield and smashed through the door. Immediately HYDRA agents came at him, he punched one in the nose, hearing a sickening crack as the assailant was thrown backwards where he lay motionless.

Unbeknownst to the Captain, the leader of this particular HYDRA base had snuck up behind him. In a lucky movement Captain America twisted and the sword made home in his shoulder instead of the neck where it had originally been aimed at.

Captain America  sank to his knees in pain, as another blow was about to land and mysterious girl, cloaked in leathers and pelts attacked the man. Landing blow after blow with her battle axe. A wolf by her side attacked the other man before, ripping out his threat with serrated fangs.

The man's vision was cloaked by blood, and he was faint with blood loss.

"Your people will never win Wolf Girl" he snarled

"I am one with the wolves, know this if you or your kind trifle with me or my tribe once more I will be the most unrelenting creature you have ever met."

And her battle axe made home in his heart.

She turned her Amber eyes to his "You had best be leaving, your kind do not belong here"

She helped him to his feet and beckoned for him to follow her, and he did, the loyal wolf trailing them both.

He stumbled slightly from the blood loss, from the wound in his shoulder. She turned quickly and cut away at the material of his suit. She smiled grimly as she bathed the wound in a weird poultice from a leather - bound vial from a pocket in her pelts. She then bandaged the wound and they kept moving. Her wolf shadowing her movements closely.

When they arrived outside he noticed a full scale battle, between HYDRA and the Animal People. The Avengers were guarded by the Animal People, who shielded them from  harm. They fighting ceased when all HYDRA agents were dead, the mysterious girl issued a command in a language unknown to them, and the animal people retreated into the bush.

She turned to look at him

"Stay away from  here it is not safe for mortals at this time" she sheathed her battleaxe, and started to walk off. Captain America grabbed her wrist,

"Wait, how can I thankyou" he said, "You saved my life" she looked back at him and grinned, her pointed fangs glimmering in the sunlight. She handed him an eagles feather. "Be safe Captain"

"Akela come" she spoke before she turned and ran into the forest, the howls of wolves echoing and other cries and caws of the animals for the woods sounded, until all Captain America could hear was his own breathing.

He walked over to the quinjet where the rest of his team was waiting, before he looked back, smiled then continued boarding the jet. His rough and calloused fingers stroaking the Eagles feather she had given him. He spent the rest of that ride in silence.

I know it's short but well I just wanted to get the first chapter up. Here's some picture of what I though her battleaxe and wolf (to be introduced later) would look like.

 Here's some picture of what I though her battleaxe and wolf (to be introduced later) would look like

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Her battleaxe

Her battleaxe

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Her wolf

Akela, her wolf companion

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Akela, her wolf companion

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