Chapter 4 - Battle for Haven

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Hello everyone and welcome again to part four of  Wolf Girl.

Enjoy :)

Disclaimer : I don't own Marvel.

The imapled Tikanii warrior keeled over - dead

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The imapled Tikanii warrior keeled over - dead. A Managataan arrow imbedded in his heart.

Immediatly the Alpha issued orders for woman and children to escape into the forest, and for some warriors to accompany them.

By that time Storm had drawn her battleaxe and the Avengers had collect their varied weapons, and steeled themselves to fight.

A Managataan General stood on a rock and called to them

"This doesn't have to end in bloodshed fellow shifters, release my brother Kovus and surrender and all shall be spared"

"Kovus is dead" spoke the Alpha

"Who did it. Who killed my brother!" He screamed and sent an arrow flying towards the heart of the Alpha.

Storm lept in front of him and snatched the arrow from the air, before loading it back into  her bow and firing the arrow back to the General. It hit him square in the forehead - where Kovus had been struck.

She bared her fangs "I did"

All hell broke loose.

The forest was alight with fire, men fought hard and bloody battles between shifters.

Bears fought tigers, and other strange combinations were scattered through Haven. Tents and homes were burning and somewhere you could hear the dying screams of those that tried to escape Haven.

Storm stood face to face, with the Beta of Managataa, a fierce woman by the name of Shianti. 

"StormFyre" she spat with disgust

"Shianti" she returned coldly.

"The last time I saw something like this was when I killed your mother" 

Storm snarled a challenge, and the two attacked. Battleaxe against short swords.

Shianti thrust deeply at Storm's underbelly, Storm pivoted and swung her battleaxe knocking the Beta's arm.

Shianti paused and touched her wound and glanced at the blood now on her hand. Shianti landed a blow that sent Storm to her knees and a kick to the stomach had her now laying in the ground.

"This is what she looked like before she died, helpless, weak and pathetic" Shianti said victoriously.

"Never underestimate a Wolf Shianti" and Storm kicked upwards and at the same time sent her battleaxe soaring to where it impaled in Shianti's back.

"Freeze" said a cold voice

Out marched the Mangataan leader, Vitalis, behind him was the Alpha, in chains and held at knife point.

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