*** CHAPTER 6 ***

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## IMAGE :  C.J (Beth's best friend) ##


Bree resumed work the very next day arriving at the company on her usual means of transportation which was her power bike. Not wanting to look too odd and strange since she didn't have any classic suit or suit at all, she was dressed in black skinny jeans, a white long sleeved white long sleeved white shirt which had buttons in the middle. She folded her jeans to be able to put on black sneakers and did the same to the sleeves of her white shirt which exposed her wrist bands and strings on both her wrists.

That morning, Beth had argued with her to apply her make-up for her and not wanting to make Beth feel bad anymore after her break-up, she agreed to it. Beth had applied a moderate make-up on Bree's face after another round of arguments and painted her pinks lips, a dark red.

"There, now that's done. You look fantastico." Beth had said and Bree rolled her eyes.

Knocking lightly on the glass door, Bree opened it gently and walked in, holding a mug of hot coco and a couple of documents.

"Good morning Mr Chase." she greeted as she stood by his glass table.

"Good morning." he replied, not looking up from the report he was writing.

'I don't blame you, it's what I get for being the average one and you the wealthier one.' she said to herself, ignoring his attitude.

"Well the lady blonde at the reception asked me to give these documents to you." she said dropping the documents on his table, in front of him.

"Her name is Charlotte, not lady blonde." he corrected still not looking at her.

"Yeah Charlotte, whatever." she said and he rose his head to look at her.

Bree didn't take her eyes away, she had swallowed enough insults from him the other day and although his eyes did make her feel dizzy abit, she fought it.

"Here's your morning order." she finally said, still not taking her eyes off his and gently keeping the mug on the glass table. Chase finally took his eyes away and picked up the mug. As he brought it close to his lips, he quickly dropped the glass mug in anger.

"What is the meaning of this?" he asked. Bree frowned.

"Meaning of what? I don't understand." she said.

"Why on earth will you bring me hot coco?" he asked very angrily now. Bree's eyes widened in total surprise and confusion.

"Because that's what I was told."

"Didn't Samantha tell you that I drink black tea and not this nonsense?" he asked.

"Wait a minute, is Samantha the...red haired."

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