*** CHAPTER 4 ***

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Beth banged the door behind her and walked fully into the house.

"What the hell is wrong with you? Do you want to break the door?" Bree asked calmly but very seriously standing with her arms folded underneath her chest. Beth stared at her with swollen red eyes, she was tired of crying.

"Am not in a good mood." she said.

"That doesn't give a good reason to want to break the door. Dad is asleep so keep it down." Bree replied still talking calmly.

"My goodness Sio, I can't believe what you're saying." Beth said and Bree rose an eyebrow.

"What so hard to believe?" she asked..

"The fact that that I banged the door so hard and am looking really sad should give you a hint that am not happy Sio." Beth said.

"Hm, that explains your swollen and red eyes." Bree replied. "What happened?"

"Stephan broke up with me today. Can you believe he chose a bitchy prostitute over me?" Beth said and Bree rose an eyebrow.

"That's bad."

"I can't believe it myself. This sure explains he past attitude towards me. Whenever I called, he never answered. Whenever I asked, he always changed the topic saying it was nothing..." Tears began to stream down her eyes again. "...I don't know what I did to deserve all of this. I've tried so much to show Stephan how much I love him and now I see that he was never grateful..."

"Beth..." Bree called.

"I've always tried to hold him so tight and dear to my heart even when the other guys asked me out..."


"I love Stephan so much but I can't believe he doesn't love me back..."

"Beth, shut up!" Bree commanded and Beth froze for a few seconds. Alright maybe she had gone a little just too far. Bree HATED LOVE.

"What the hell is wrong with you? Love, feelings...whatever you call it relationships are not worth it. How many times will I try to make you understand just how much one tends to suffer when you love someone and the person doesn't love you back. Love is the craziest and the most stupid phenomenon I've ever come across in my entire life. Stay away from it."

Tears stung Beth eyes and before any other could happen, Beth was crying out, her tears flowing in torrents. She sat down on the couch angrily.

Bree stood speechless watching her sister cry. She was shocked at Beth's outburst of tears and felt a great pain of guilt in her heart. Although she did really love her sister so much, she didn't know how to console her but she just had to try. Taking a deep breath, she moved to the grey ouch and sat beside Beth. She looked at Beth for a while and then placed a hand on her shoulder.

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