Chapter 2

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Would you like to hear my voice

Sprinkled with emotion

Invented at your birth

Alex let Piper settle into her high, given it was her first time there was a chance she might throw up. But Alex was glad to see was doing fine, and was leaning into Alex on the couch, with her eyes closed and a faint smile visible across her lips. Alex was almost too scared to move, Piper was so comfortable and relaxed, Alex didn't want to disturb her. So she just sat on the couch with an arm around the blonde for close to thirty minutes. Every so often, Alex's mind floated back to the fact that she really shouldn't be here right now. But then something else would catch her attention, the sound of Piper's calm breaths against her shoulder, the feel of Piper's sweater, and the smell of her hair. All of those things seemed to outweigh the fact that she shouldn't have come back to Piper's house. Besides, Piper wasn't exactly their usual type of customer, and Alex was fairly certain Piper didn't present any sort of danger to her, aside from her boyfriend of course. Alex assumed Piper's relationship probably wasn't going well if she was turning to heroin to make herself feel better.

Piper eventually stirred against Alex's side, "There's beer and wine in the fridge if you want anything, help yourself."

"I might just do that, but it means you'll have to sit up."

"Mmmmm, I'm so comfortable, I don't remember the last time I felt this comfortable, this warm. Does it always feel like this?"

Alex knew the answer, but was almost afraid to tell Piper the truth, that people spend so much time trying to recapture the feeling of their first high without ever getting there, "Not really, but it can still be good." Alex slowly got off the couch, letting Piper lay across it in her absence. Alex walked back into the kitchen, taking in the surroundings on the way. It was a nice house, and everything was very neat and in its place. There were also a lot of pictures everywhere, mainly of Piper and her boyfriend. He was a good looking guy, tall, lean, with a mop of light brown hair. Alex pushed thoughts of Piper's boyfriend to the back of her mind as she collected two beers from the fridge and returned to Piper on the couch, "I got you one, just in case you feel like it. But maybe take it slow with the alcohol, it might make you feel a bit sick."

Piper sat back up on the couch but didn't say much. It was starting to get cold in the lounge room, so Alex picked up a light blanket that was neatly folded on an armchair and brought it over to the couch, placing it over both of them. Piper immediately assumed the same position against Alex's side as she snuggled under the blanket, "Well, you're certainly much nicer than the drug dealers on TV," Piper laughed at her own words, her inhibitions were definitely down at this point.

"Yeah I guess so, but we're not all bad you know. Well, a lot of us probably are, but not me." Alex kept drinking her beer, before she remembered she had her own heroin supply sitting in her jacket pocket. It wasn't something she did very often, but this seemed like as good a time as any to indulge, especially since she'd be spending the night with a high person. She hadn't technically asked Piper if she could stay over, but she wanted to make sure the blonde was okay. Everyone reacts to heroin differently, and Alex wanted to make sure Piper didn't end up feeling sick. Alex took the small vile out of her jacket pocket and snorted some through each nostril, quickly drinking her beer afterwards. She enjoyed the high, but she hated the taste of the powder down the back of her throat. Piper didn't even seem to notice what Alex was doing, and had closed her eyes again.

"So Piper, tell me about yourself?"

Piper didn't even bother opening her eyes as she answered the question without hesitation, "Myself....I don't know, I'm not sure I know who I am anymore. My mum hates me, my dad can't bring himself to talk to me, and I'm pretty sure my boyfriend hates me. I don't know what to say about me, nobody seems to think there's anything good about me."

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