Chapter 17

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Are you the half that's gonna swallow the gun

Exactly where do you stand

You seem to have trouble being human

Kubra had agreed to meet Alex in a warehouse downtown later that night. Alex was parked out the front, trying to calm herself down, she didn't know what to expect. She wasn't willing to take any chances, and had brought Aiden's gun with her. She'd never shot someone before, but right now she was willing to do anything to keep herself and Piper safe. She finally worked up the courage to get out of her car and walk into the warehouse. She didn't get far before she saw Aiden standing in a doorway off the main warehouse area, he indicated for her to follow him. He had a bruised and swollen nose from where Alex had hit him, but he didn't show any emotion when he saw her. She followed him until they were in a small office where she saw a large figure standing in the corner, it was Kubra. She held her ground as their eyes met, never letting herself look away.

"Please, Alex, sit down."

"I'd rather stand if that's okay."

Kubra held her gaze, he always looked so intense, it didn't matter how many times she saw him, that intensity was always in his eyes.

"No one is going to hurt anyone tonight Alex, so sit down."

Alex took the hint and sat in the chair across from where he was standing. He grabbed another chair and pulled it close to her before sitting in it. She jumped when she felt Aiden put his hands on her shoulders.

"That's more for my safety than anything else, surely you can understand that?"

Alex just nodded, waiting for him to keep talking.

"We have a problem here Alex. You've become one of my best, you were always loyal, I put a lot of trust in you. Even after Fahri told me your local sales were down and you'd started something with a customer, I let it go. I knew how important you were for the international drops going forward, so I told Fahri it was okay so long as you made up the shortfall. Then this woman, Piper, you end up in the hospital because of her. I don't like it when people fuck with my employees, so we took care of it."

Alex just kept looking at him, saying nothing. She wanted to see what he had to say before she bothered trying to reason with him.

"Then Fahri practically begs me to give you enough time off, let you recover properly and look after your woman. I said yes, because I needed you to be perfect for the upcoming drops to Indonesia. Then I hear, that you don't want to travel anymore. After all I fucking did to make sure you were okay, you turn around and refuse the drops. Now that, made me really fucking angry."

Alex felt Aiden tighten his grip on her shoulders, she kept reminding herself to hold her nerve.

"How old are you now Alex? 26? 27?"

Kubra glared at her until she answered his question, "27."

"You were a lost soul when Fahri met you and brought you to me. You didn't look like much, but you turned out to be good. We gave you an opportunity, a new life. After all of this, you still turn around and say no to me. That's not an option Alex, you owe me a lot."

"I know, but you need to hear me out."

Kubra continued to glare at her, and gestured for her to speak.

"I can do local drops okay, but I have things I need to take care of here, I can't be gone for months at a time right now."

"I can get anyone to do local drops, I need you for the Indonesia drops, there's no room for error there."

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