Chapter 13

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Cease to resist, giving my goodbye

Drive my car into the ocean

You think I'm dead, but I sail away

Sunlight was starting to creep into the bedroom slowly, Piper yawned and looked down to see Alex still asleep on her shoulder. It had been a rough night, and Piper was thankful when Alex finally fell asleep. Piper had trouble sleeping throughout the night, but still managed to get a few hours of rest. She tried to focus on the positives, the fact that they'd come this far and made it through the night, plus the fact that Diane was there to help. Piper needed to get up and stretch, and slowly disentangled herself from her girlfriend, managing to not wake her up. She wanted them to have a relaxing day, maybe just watch some movies and have popcorn, she didn't think Alex would be up for going out.

Piper went into the kitchen to make a pot of coffee, and saw Diane sitting at the table.

"Hey, you're up early, want some coffee?"

"Morning Piper, coffee would be great. Did she sleep last night?"

"Eventually, it just took her a long time to calm down enough to sleep. I almost came to get you at one point, she was so upset, I didn't know what to do." Piper looked across at Diane and decided to tell her what Alex had said last night, she might be able to shed some light.

"But I don't think she was just upset about the whole Jack situation, she said something about not being able to protect either of us, I wasn't sure what she meant." Piper kept looking at Diane, but the older woman was avoiding her gaze.

"Do you know what she was talking about? She was so upset..."

Diane sighed before she finally looked Piper in the eye. "This has just dragged up some old memories for her. Things weren't easy when Alex was small, we never had much, but she was always so head strong. Let's just say I made some bad choices when it came to boyfriends, Alex always blamed herself for that, it just got worse as she got older. She's feeling really vulnerable right now, she just needs time sweetie."

Piper nodded and drank her coffee, she didn't want to push for more details, but at least Alex's reaction last night was starting to make more sense.


Diane walked into the bedroom to check on Alex, plus she also needed to take her next round of pain medication. She opened the door to see Alex still asleep, clutching the covers against her chest. Diane walked to the bed and sat next to her daughter, holding a glass of water and two tablets. She whispered at first as she tried to wake Alex up, softly rubbing her shoulder.

"Hey baby, I just need you to wake up for five minutes, then you can go back to sleep."

After a few moments, Alex started to wake up, she'd obviously been in a very deep sleep. "Mhhmm, why?"

Diane smiled, Alex scrunched her face up in the same way she used to when Diane had to drag her out of bed for school. "Just to take the pain meds, and maybe eat some food. Are you hungry? You haven't eaten all day."

Diane was finally able to look into Alex's green eyes, she still looked tired but at least she'd been having a good sleep. She slowly leaned up on her elbows and took the tablets, then immediately lay back down. "I am kinda hungry."

Diane brushed the hair from Alex's eyes. "Tell me what you feel like, I'll make anything you want."

"Definitely pancakes."

"I can do that."

Just as Diane was about to get off the bed she felt Alex grab onto her hand, "How's Piper?"

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