Part 14 : Sanyukta questions her feelings...

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Randhir was on Shimla-Manali highway.

He was drunk by now.

It was getting colder by each passing second.

He finished the entire bottle and smashed it on floor.

His eyes were blood shot red.

He was sweating.

He looked miserable.

He sat inside his car and banged his fist on steering continously.

"Why?" "Why?" "Why god why...?" He screamed

"Why me?" He cried this time

"Why I always end up hurting people?" "Why do people hate me so much?" Randhir hide his face in his palms

"I am bad...I am very bad person" "I want to kill myself" Randhir cursed himself

"I should be punished...I should be death" "Cause I am good for nothing" "I am big failure..." "I am not a good son not a good husband" " upset with me...Mom doesn't care for me" "And Sanyukta...she..." He stopped in between

"Sanyukta..." He grabbed his phone and switched it ON

There were some messages and miss calls from Sanyukta

"I am sorry Sanyukta...I am sorry" "I don't want to hurt you" "But...still I end up doing the same" "I know you will hate me once you'll get to know about the truth" " will leave will hate me..." He sobbed

Just then he received a message from her.

"Randhir?" "Are you fine" "It 3AM now" "Please come home" She texted

Randhir threw his cell on the passenger seat

"Why is she still awake?" "For me?" "Why...stop it Sanyukta?" "Don't care for me" "I don't deserve your care" He shouted

- - - - -

"Its 3AM now" "He is not back home" "I hope you are fine Randhir" Sanyukta mumbled

"Am I interfering in his life?" A sudden thought came in her mind

"What is happening to me?" "Why Am I so worried for you?" "Why I want to see you Randhir" "Your presence around me is what I wish for always" "Your health and well being is my biggest concern" "I care for you...I know I cared for you...since our childhood" "I always wish for your happiness..but...this is something different" "I know we can never come together" "But...I want us to be together" "This is strange...but this feeling...that I have ...I don't know what it is called" "Love?" Her trance was broken when she heard horn of Randhir's car.

She rushed to the window and she guessed it correct

Randhir parked the car and got out of it.

Sanyukta rushed down to the living area.

She opened the door before Randhir presses the bell.

"Randhir..." She catch hold of him

He was about to fall on ground but Sanyukta saved him

Thats how their life is...Right?

" are drunk" She said

He was already clinging on her body in complete unconsicous state.

"Randhir..." she called him but he didn't replied

She was finding it difficult to handle him now

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