Part 20 : A love like Randhir...

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"Sanyukta...Sanyukta open your eyes" He tapped her cheeks

"Sanyukta...'" He tried to pull the knife out of her stomach

After trying sometime...he finally managed to pull out knife

Blood started coming from her stomach

" you eyes" "Open your eyes" He hugged her tightly

"Open your eyes..." He cried

"Wake up..." He shaked her

He touched her nose.

She wasn't breathing.

"Ohh No...No you eyes" "Sanyukta...breathe..." He cried cupping her face

"You can't do this to me" "Breathe..." "Open your eyes" He held her lifeless body in his arms

"Breathe..." His tears touched her skin on face

"Open you eyes...please...don't do this to me" "I can't live without you your eyes" He cried badly

"Breathe...I said BREATHEEEEEEEEEEE...." He shouted

Her hand slipped down from his hand making her more panic.

"Breathe..." "Open your eyes..." He said

He picked her up in his arms and went near that taxi.

He checked for the keys but the driver ran taking keys with him.

Randhir was carrying Sanyukta and started walking on the road.

"Help...someone please help...." "Please help me..." He was shouting on road carrying a life less Sanyukta in hands

"Help..." He started taking bigger steps

He lost his wallet and cell phone.

He couldn't even call anyone to help

"Sanyukta...please...please open your eyes" "Please..." He said

Soon a car stopped in front of him.

"Sir...Sir...please help wife is badly injured" "Please sir...please help me" Randhir requested the person driving car

"Okay...okay...sit inside" The person said

Randhir settled in the car taking Sanyukta in his arms

" fast" "Please sir..." Randhir requested

Soon they reached hospital

"Thank you so much sir..." Randhir thanked him

Randhir placed Sanyukta on strecher.

" please" Randhir fumbled

"OMG...this is much of blood loss...nurse take her to operation threatre now...quick..." doctor ordered

" her please....please...." Randhir begged in front of the doctor

"We will try our best" Doctor said

- - - - -

The red bulb of operation threatre switched ON.

Randhir's heart beating faster.

He recalled the incident.

He shivered in horror recalling it.

"Randhirrrr...." her huge scream was still ringing in his ears

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