Part 16 : Say no to Drugs!

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"Mr Shekhawat you should immediately quit drinking" "And if your addicted to drugs..then please join rehab centre and quit it immediately" "It can have an adverse effect on your sexual life as well" "Do you take drugs often?" Doctor asked

"no doctor...I am not...Its the first time...I took...them...2 days before..." "I don't take them regularly" "I am not addict" Randhir said

" are you reports" "And please continuing taking this medicines and come for a check up after 5 days" doctor said

"Thank You..." Randhir replied

Sanyukta left the room

Randhir followed her

"Sanyukta stop please..." Randhir was running after her

Sanyukta was walking as fast as she could.

But soon Sanyukta colide with someone.

"Sorry..." she mumbled and the person was none other than Ayesha

"Sanyukta...what happened?" "Are you fine?" Ayesha asked but soon she realised Randhir too was there in hospital

"Ayesha...I am sorry I didnt see you" Sanyukta said

Randhir stopped there

"Ayesha....Sanyukta" He mumbled looking at both of them

" are here?" "Everything fine" Ayesha asked

"Yes...I am came here to collect Randhir's reports" Sanyukta replied

"Ohh..." Ayesha replied eyeing Randhir

"What happened to him?" Ayesha asked

"Viral infection..." "How is you father now?" "Any improvement?" Sanyukta asked

Ayesha nodded in NO

Randhir half-heartedly joined them

"Ayesha, husband" "Randhir she is Ayesha...her father is in coma...that accident" Sanyukta introduced them

" is your father now?" Randhir asked acting as if he don't know who is Ayesha

"Not stable yet..." Ayesha replied looking straight into Randhir's eyes

"He will be fine soon don't worry" "If you need help do let us know" Randhir sounded normal

"Sure...Mr Shekhawat" "Thanks for the concern" Ayesha taunted

"Ayesha...I have to go now...I will visit hospital later this week" "Take care..." Sanyukta said

"Yes Sanyukta..." Ayesha said

- - - - - - - -

"Sanyukta...please listen to me" Randhir ran after Sanyukta but she hired a taxi and left

"Sanyukta..." Randhir shouted

" can I forget this" "Doctors took my blood samples and drugs detected...shit" Randhir ruffled his hair

"And this Ayesha...why did she came in front of us?" Randhir clenched his jaws

"No point in cursuing me Randhir" came Ayesha behind

Randhir looked away

"See...I told you...right?" "She is so humble and caring...that unknowningly she is caring for that person who doesn't even deserve that"

"Caring for that person because of whom her father is in jail" "Caring for a criminal..." Ayesha said

"Shut up....stop it" Randhir shouted

"Stop it..." "Now don't you dare utter a single word" "Stop interfering in my life" "I know what to do and what not to do" "Sanyukta is my wife...and I am concern for her..." "I know my job as a husband..." "You just stay away from us...specially Sanyukta" "It is mistake...the accident happened of me...and I know what to do now..." Randhir said and left

He came rushing to home

"Sanyukta..." he opened the door

There she was standing near the window.

"Sanyukta....Sanyukta...please listen to me once" Randhir grabbed her hand and turned her to face him

"I am sorry...but...I ...."

"I have not asked for explaination Randhir" She replied coldly

"No...I didn't do it intentionally...I...was...sorry" "I was very disturbed that day..." "I was completely clueless of what to do..." "I lost my way...and...I took them" "Sorry Sanyukta..." "I am sorry..." "I didn't do it...purposely..." "I took drugs for the first time...I am not addicted to me" He said

Sanyukta looked away

"Please don't do this...please say something" He cupped her face and made her look at him

"How does it matter Randhir?" "If I looked away from you...or don't talk to does it matter?" She said

"It matter to me" "Please...say something" "You will forgive me right?" He said

"I am not upset with you Randhir" "I am hurt..." She said

Randhir looked down in guilt

"I am hurt...cause...I failed as a friend" "I failed to become a good friend to you..." "You were disturbed due to something in your life...but I wasn't aware of it" "You didn't feel like sharing with me" She said

"What happened Randhir?" "What was that?" "What was disturbing you so much that you took drugs" "Tell me...tell me Randhir" She pulled his collars

Randhir had nothing to share

"I am is not related to work" "I am sure...its something big that is troubling you" "I did asked you in the morning but that time you lied..." Sanyukta said

"Sanyukta..." He tried to get hold of her hand

"Drugs!" "Randhir drugs" "Forget about me...but...think about Bade Papa...Renuka Mam, Dadi...think about yourself" "Think about yourself Randhir...what made you take drugs" "Even thou it was first time can you?" Sanyukta said

They were in tears now

"This is the worst thing anyone could do Randhir" "Drinking,smoking,drugs are killing people" "This should be banned are consume them and are indirectly provoking it as well" Sanyukta said

"I am sorry..." Randhir said

"I don't want your sorry Randhir...I am hurt..." "This thing has shattered me from inside" Sanyukta said

"Sanyukta...sorry..." Randhir mumbled

"Say sorry to yourself Randhir..." She said and turned around to go

"Please stop..." he grabbed her hand to stop her

He pulled her suddenly and in next few seconds she was in his arms

"I am sorry" "I am sorry" "I am sorry" "I am sorry Sanyukta...sorry I hurt you" Randhir kissed her head

Sanyukta cried this time

"Why did you do this?" She sobbed

"Sorry..." He broke the hug

"Its bad Randhir...Its bad" "It could have harmed you" "Why?" "I don't want to lose you...I cannot see you in pain" "I will not be handle it..." She said

"Sorry...I won't repeat it again" He cupped her face

"Promise?" She asked with hopefully eyes

"Promise..." "Promise..." He kissed her forehead

"I promise...I won't do it again" "I quit drinking" "I promise I won't touch it again..." "I promise..."

He took her into a tight hug.

She hide herself in his embrace.


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