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I keep debating whether I want Mycroft & Greg to be together or just bros. I sorta wrote them in so they could be either. 


We spent most of break doing one of two things: hanging out or exploring our relationship. I loved my time spent at his house. We were left alone to do whatever we pleased, our only interruptions Mycroft coming to check in on us every once and a while and dinner, which was eaten with the entire family. The first time I was informed of this was a little awkward to say the least.

We were hanging out in his room. I watched as he worked on some new experiment. I didn’t understand what was fully going on, but if I asked Sherlock would explain (a little impatiently) what was happening. A few minutes later he was finished. Not bothering to clean up, he plopped onto the bed, head resting in my lap.


I rolled my eyes. "You JUST finished you experiment."

Sherlock nodded. "Yes. Data wasn’t nearly as helpful as I hoped. And now I’m bored."

"What do you want me to do about that?"

He shrugged. "Entertain me."

I sighed. As much I loved Sherlock, he was infuriating at times like this. It started calmly enough, but soon he would be having a fit, yelling and carelessly destroying things. And the absolute worst thing about this was he would always tell me to fix it but would never tell me how. "What do you want me to do? I’m not going to murder somebody just so you can solve it."

"Obviously not, that would be much too simple to solve."

I tried not to be offended as something popped into my mind. I nudged Sherlock’s head off my lap. "Sit up."

Sherlock looked at me curiously and a little confused but did as I asked, sitting back on his heels. I shuffled myself a little awkwardly towards him until I sat his lap, legs wrapping loosely around his back. "Now what?" Sherlock asked, doing his best to look anywhere but me.

"Just tell me if I go too far. I want to see how much you’re okay with. I understand that you consider yourself asexual and I will respect your boundaries."

Sherlock hesitated before giving me a small, curt nod. I cupped his cheek and leaned forward, lips just barely pressing lips, not wanting rush Sherlock. After a moment or two my mouth began moving against his and Sherlock kissed back, pressing firmly and playing with my lips. My tongue dragged against his lower lip and Sherlock opened his mouth for me, flicking his own tongue against my mouth and playing at the corners, snaking around the edges. I slipped my tongue into his mouth and started teasing him as well.

After a while of this Sherlock pulled back from me, breathing a little heavily and trying to catch his breath. I took a couple deep breaths, grinning like an idiot, before smashing my mouth back onto his. He was pushed back a bit by the surprise force, moving one hand to the back of my neck to steady himself. My tongue played against his, loving every time they touched each other. Sherlock’s hand slid up and began carding through my hair, lightly playing and pulling at it.

My hands found a spot around Sherlock’s waist and I pulled him closer to me until we both ended up falling backwards. Sherlock landed on top of me and I felt him brush against me, both of us getting hard. I let out an unintentional groan at the small amount of friction as we brushed against each other because god did I want more, it felt impossibly amazing, even that small amount. Sherlock instantly pulled away, unsure of his current situation.

"John..." I let him pull back, unweaving my hands from his waist so as not to hold him there. Sherlock was on all fours above me, but with as much space between the two of us as possible. His face and posture looked confused, unsure.

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