Hot Coffee For Burning Words

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Hey guys! This is my first story and I'm very new to this so bare with me. I really have a big imagination how this story will go. I'm always changing how I want it but when I post each chapter they are there to stay. I have nothing else to say, but I really hope you like my story, feedback would be great too!

Writers block. I had the words all planned out about how I wanted them to fit on paper. A few weeks ago my mind was blasted with memories where I could tell the world my story but now, I could not think of a damn thing to type on this blank page in front of me.

A year ago my life changed drastically. It had resulted me into having to go to therapy 5 times a week, 2 hours a day for one whole year. Every time I would go my therapist she would give me words of wisdom that would have me constantly thinking and contemplating on the concept at hand. She told me plenty of things like:

"Avery the worst that can happen is what you will let happen", "You should always forgive, for the benefit of yourself and others but for yourself mainly, but the only thing about mistakes in the past is that you can't forget and it remains a memory that you will replay over and over again unless you distract yourself".

She helped me realized that things happened for a reason, and she thought it would be best for me to share my story with others. At first I didn't like the idea of people judging and knowing everything that I had went through, but after thinking about it I decided it might be a good idea to show others what my life story and this is why I'm currently sitting here with writers block.

After a hour of staring a at a blank screen I decided to take a break and go for a walk. Grabbing my jacket off the hanger and grabbing my keys of the counter, I walked out of my apartment.

I loved outdoors but I could always do without the bugs and the vicious animals. Being in New York you rarely seen any one of those, thankfully. Since it was an early Saturday morning there was alot of people walking hurriedly with there briefcases and talking on the phone or having conversation with someone they were walking with. The weather was very windy and it was kind of chilly but that was normal since it was autumn.

Continuing to walk down the strip with my hands in my leather jacket pocket, the smell of Starbucks coffee hit my nose. I looked up at the sign momentarily and took my hands out my pocket and walked in the store.

Luckily no one was in line which meant I could hurry and leave before Betty's shift started. I loved that woman to death but she was annoying sometimes. She would always pressure me about meeting her son.

"You should really meet my son, you two would be so cute together. He needs to learn to settle and you would be perfect for him. Y'all could give me beautiful grandchildren. I've always wanted grandchildren."

I felt bad for her honestly. Her son couldn't keep it in his pants to save his life. Not that I knew him or seen him or anything but it had being going around town that he was a quote on quote lady's man. Every time I heard his name it was either because they were saying how hot he was or how bad of a player he was. I remember being at the mall getting a new phone when I heard two saleswomen arguing saying that he had been with each one of them and how he told each one of them he loved them.

Just when I got my coffee, I turned to walk out the store but I seen Betty walking in. Luckily she did not see me so I ducked and dodged behind some lady for extra precaution just to make sure she wouldn't see me. I watched her like a hawk would watch it's prey . Some people were looking at me like I was type of crazy stalker but I didn't care. I managed to keep looking over random people's shoulders until someone bumped me and I wasted my coffee all on my favorite top. "Shit" I muttered.

"Oh my, I'm so sorry. Here" The guy said handing me a napkin. I took the napkin, well more like snatched it out of anger. I didn't even look up at his face I was too busy being devastated over my top. I was pissed and I was about to beat this guys ass. He needed to watch where the hell he was going.

I looked up at the culprit and couldn't believe my eyes. He was beautiful. Well I guess I shouldn't say beautiful but damn he was sext. He had blue eyes, a well shaven face, strong jaw line, dark blonde hair and the fact that he had long eyelashes made him look even hotter. He was like a freaking Holister model that walked off the damn bag and I could not help myself but to drool at his existence.

"You done staring?" He said with a raised eyebrow. I opened my mouth to speak but no words could form. I knew I looked like a idiot so I closed my mouth. I couldn't lie because I was indeed staring and because that would make me look like a even bigger idiot then I already was.

"Avery! When did you ... what the hell happen to your shirt?" Betty came rushing over to me. I groaned. This could not be happening right now. I was standing in front of a sex god trying to get away from Betty, but ended up accidentally wasting my coffee on my shirt, and I was pretty sure you could see my bra and my nipples were popping through my shirt and to top it all off I did this to avoid Betty which obviously did not work at all.

"It was kind of my fault" The sex god said scratching the back of his neck. I wasn't going to lie I was jealous of that hand right now. I wanted to scratch his neck, no I wanted to kiss his ...

What the hell is wrong with me?

"Well come on. Let's get you cleaned up dear. Aiden try not to ruin anything else while I'm gone" Betty said. Wait so she knew him? I really wanted to ask her who he was, his current relationship status, and why the hell didn't she tell me she knew him? But right now was not the time I needed to get out of here.

"I'm fine Betty. Thank you. I have to go over my parents for while, I'll see you later." I lied walking backwards until I hit the door and pushed it open and walked out before Betty could object.

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