Drinking And Dirty Pickup Lines?

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"Oh my shit! Avery?" Thank God I groaned to myself. I had been there for two solid hours. I could not handle another desperate uptight rich guy hitting on me. Turning around to see who saved me from the crisis that I was having, I screamed. "Selen!!!" I ran and hugged her tightly. Selen was my childhood friend, we were practically sisters until her parents moved her across the country to a boarding school.

"God I missed your sexy ass. How have you been?" By that time the guy that was hitting on me had been long gone. Selen was not gay if that's what your thinking. She was just ...

Over friendly?

Yeah over friendly.

"I've been great! When did you get back?" It had been forever since I had seen her. She looked different. The hair that was once blonde and shoulder length was now black and long cascading down her back. It looked good on her. She had gotten a little taller over the years and her figure grew to make her hips widen and her breast pumped. Time did her well. She looked great.

"I got back Wednesday actually."

"And you didn't call me?"

"I'm sorry babe. I'll make it up to you. I hear you're writing a book." She said taking a glass of wine off one of the platters that the waiters were walking around with.  Selen was a heavy drunk and the way she was looking at that glass I could tell it was going to be a long night.

"Yeah actually I am. I see your still drinking." I said pointing to the glass knowingly. She wasn't ashamed. She knew she was an alcoholic and would admit to it if you asked. "Old habits die hard." She replied before taking a sip. I had heard that before. Too many times to be honest. I could tell that she had learned etiquette when she was a away. The way she held her glass made her look sophisticated. Her red newly painted nails that was set around the glass looked picture perfect. When she finished her sip you could see the red lip stick marking around the rim of the glass.

"So are we dodging or what?" She said looking at me expectantly.  Boy she didn't know how bad I wanted to but I couldn't. "I can't" I pouted like a child that just got told she couldn't have her favorite toy. "The she devil?" I nodded. She knew my mother was a evil woman just as well as I did. I even hated her name. If I said it-it sounded bitter to my tongue and if I heard it-it made me want to go death.

"If I could get my hands on that women..."

"Excuse me" Some guy interrupted Selen.  And if I knew Selen, which I did, there were two things she hated: being ignored and being interrupted.

"Who the fuck are you?" She spat. I tried to hold in my laughter but it was killing me. Her facial expression was priceless. The way her lip quivered in disgust and her eyes squinted provoking the wrinkles in between her eyes was just hilarious.

"The guy that will have you screaming all night long. So tell me if I flip this quarter in the air what are the chances of me getting head tonight." My jaw dropped literally. For one I was surprised by his boldness to come up to her like that. It was Selen for Christ sake. The girl had a reputation. Everybody knew her. He would be freaking lucky if he didn't go home decapitated tonight and also I had never heard that one before. Tonight I was only approached by the usual lame ones:

"Tell me did it hurt when you fell from heaven"

"Did you come from Tennessee because your the only ten I see."

"Hey baby, you must be a light switch because every time I see you, you turn me on."

But never in my life had I heard that one. I just prayed Selen would go easy on him. She huffed and stared at the glass twirling it in her hands.

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