Kids Are Cold With Bratty Attitudes

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It was cold. No scratch that it was freezing outside considering the fact my shirt was still wet from the coffee spill. My hands were freezing and I swear I couldn't feel my toes. I didn't like how the weather would play jokes. One day it would be hot like summer time while the next day it would be extremely cold like winter.

After walking down the avenue, I found myself hauling a cab which I started to regret no soon I got in. The young man couldn't keep his eyes on the road because he was too busy sneaking looks at my visual chest. I wanted to say "Aye mate keep your eyes on the road" but I held my peace and asked him to drive me to the closest destination I knew.

"Avery! What are you doing here?" Laney asked standing in front of the doorway. I thought my morning was rough, looking at Laney I knew she probably had worst. "Can I come in?" I didn't have time for interrogation. I needed heat and I needed it fast. Her eyes widen in realization "Yeah. Yeah. Come in. Sorry about the mess. You know how kids are." I nodded and found a seat on the love couch. There was toys every where. Little toys, big toys, medium sized toys, they had it all.

"So how are you?" She asked. I didn't see her anywhere so I guessed she was in the kitchen because I heard rattling of pots and pans. "I'm good. What about you?" I said making myself comfortable. I loved Laney's house. She was rich just as well I was because of her family name.

"I'm okay. I'm just really tired. Oh and words of wisdom don't have kids." She yelled. I laughed because it was hypocritical of her to tell me not to have any kids when she already had four and one on the way. "Where are the little ones at anyway?" I asked taking off my jacket. I didn't know why but it had got hot all of a certain. Maybe she boosted the heat a little or something.

 "Oh they're with Eric ... and what the hell happened to your shirt" she said walking through the doorway handing me a coffee mug. I was too happy to answer her question right then. I quickly grabbed the mug and took a sip. It tasted like heaven in a cup. "Thanks. It was a little accident that happened. No biggie. Can I borrow a shirt?" I didn't want to go into detail with Laney about  the sex god I had seen because all she would do is fire question after question at me.

"Was he hot?" "Did you get his number?" "What did he look like?" "What was his name?" "When's the wedding?" "How old is he?" "I need to meet him."  And by meet him she meant interrogate him till no end.

After changing my shirt, I walked back out to the living room to find Laney, Eric and the kids. "Hey aunt Avery!" Little Tony and Kasey yelled in unison while holding on to each one of my legs. "Hey guys, where did  you guys come from?" I asked while bending down to their level hugging them properly. I loved kids but I had to admit Laney had the cutest kids on earth and to top it off they all had dimples. "We were with daddy!" Kasey yelled showing her missing tooth.

 I looked at Heather and Rider sitting on the couch playing with their Nintendo. They considered themselves big kids they didn't acknowledge me so I didn't say anything. It was a tad bit childish but if they didn't want to speak they didn't have to.

Rider was the calm cool and collected one while Heather was going to be one of those little girls that would grow up be a bully and we all knew it. Laney was upset about it and every time Heather would get disrespectful Laney would just cry because she didn't know what to do. I remember her crying to me every time I came over saying how bad of a mother she was but I think it was due to her pregnancy hormones because at the time she was eight months pregnant with Rider.

"Oh that's cool." I said smiling. By that time they had ran back to there toys. "Hey Avery." Eric said while helping LT short for Little Tony with his game. "Hey Eric." I replied waving gently. He still looked handsome as ever. Every time I looked at him I remembered when he use to look at me the way he looked at Laney. He was the closest thing I had to love at a point of time in my life. I gave my virginity to him but of course Laney didn't know that. She only knew what we told her like the fact that we dated but we never told her we fell for one another. I mean I did but it was obvious he didn't considering he was now my best friends baby daddy and soon to be husband.

"Ave you should stay for lunch." Laney suggested. Yeah that was definatly not going to happen.I don't remember the last time I had stayed to eat over their house and wasn't planning on it soon.  "No I don't wanna intrude. I have to get back to writing my book anyway." I said dismissively. "Your not intruding." Laney replied same time as Eric asked "Your writing a book?" Damn he was not supposed to know that. "Yeah babe, don't you think that's great?" Laney said before I could reply.

 "It's not all that great" I muttered. I didn't like alot of attention. "Yeah. What are you writing about?" he asked. I was just about to reply before Laney interrupted me again. "About her childhood memories, right Ave?" I gave her a look that said shut the hell up and she muttered sorry and walked away to watch the kids. "Yeah what she said but I really should go now I'll see you guys later." I said trying to hurry to get out of there. I got my jacket and walked to the door.

"Okay well we'll see you later then. Good luck with your book." Eric said walking me to the door. "Thanks, see you." I said opening and walking out the door into the cold weather.

Here we go again, I thought. Every time I came out here it felt like the temperature dropped by at least twenty degrees. As I walked away I could feel eyes practically staring and burning my back and I knew it was only Eric so I didn't turn around . I just kept walking looking at the pavement.

"What ever happened in the past, happened for a reason. Who ever disappointed you once made you twice as stronger in the end and once you have walked away sometimes it's for the best and that's why you should never look back."

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