A Walk In My Shoes?

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Love is mysterious. Just think about it. You start talking to someone and then somehow magically in the midst of it all, you start to have these deep uncontrollable emotional feelings for someone you never thought you would develop.

Okay maybe you did think you would fall but did you think you would fall so hard that you couldn’t save yourself from it?


Ha. I didn’t think so. Maybe if you knew the definition you would know where I’m coming from…

So, on the online dictionary (who needs a paperback dictionary when there’s technology?) mysterious means difficult or impossible to understand, explain, or identify….

Do I need to explain any further?

When you hear the word love what do you think of? Happiness, sadness, pain, inexistent, emotionally attached, fairytale love, existent, or the most common one, fuck love?

None of those answers are legitimately incorrect. Everyone has their own view or opinion on love but you know what I think?

I’m starting to call it bullshit.

Why waste your time with someone who is obviously not interested in you and don’t give you the time of day? Why waste tears and think of all the good memories when in reality it has ended and you know it? Why call him and tell him you want him back and sulk in the house when there is millions and billions of other single hot men waiting for you?

Answer? Ladies and gentlemen that is how you know you have discovered you are in love.

What’s the difference in between love and lust?

Love is an emotion. Lust is a sexual attraction.

Why stay with someone if they only want you for sex?






Oh? You were waiting on me to answer? Let’s just say I couldn’t tell you that my own self because at the moment Nick was standing at my door ringing on my door bell. Being the scary girl I am, I desperately thought about turning off the lights and pretending I wasn’t home.


 “Are you sure you this is what you want to do?” Amanda’s annoying voice appeared in my head. I hated when my conscious did that. Always made me rethink situations that I obviously wanted to do in the beginning. I mean I am dress and ready to go, so why overthink this?


It’s just one night of extreme sex with my old crush right? Not that bad.


The doorbell kept going off. I knew it was only an impatient Craney at the door. “Coming.” I yelled. Looking around my living room inspecting everything, making sure everything was in place because tonight had to be almost perfect, if not perfect itself.

I walked to the door and opened it.

“Aiden?” I say to my surprise. “What are you doing here?” I asked looking lost. He looked good, really good.

Stop Avery! Bad Avery! I mentally scolded myself.

“Have you heard from Selen?” He brushed past me into my apartment combing his hand through his hair. “Well come on in then?” I mumbled a little taken back. “I’m sorry. I really need to get in touch with Selen. Have you heard from her?” He asked. If I wasn’t concerned I would have been pissed but I was still jealous, just a little.

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