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-POV Opal- 

I didn't sleep that night, I was so paranoid. What was he going to do?

Instead of sleeping I sat in the living room watching stupid romantic comedies. It was better than anything I guess.

By morning I could barely keep my eyes open and I felt them slowly close.

"Good morning Opal!" My eyes snapped back open, I sighed.

"Morning," I said back clearing my throat.

"You look like you didn't sleep at all," she said digging her hand into my cold bowl of popcorn.

"I didn't, I've been too worried about that note."

"I told you it's just a joke, he just wants you to be scared, he won't do anything."

"Still, he may not be joking, I'd rather be safe than sorry."

"Well I say we go out and get me to an all you can eat buffet, it'll take your mind off of this."

"I guess." I got up to change. I was in ratty old Homer Simpson pajamas and my hair is a mess.

I got into black skinny jeans and a red flannel, black velvet heels to go with.

We left, I drove and Zelda directed. We got to Alfread's all you can eat buffet! We walked in and I was hit with the sent of pizza, for both Zelda and I to eat it was $30. Not bad. We picked a booth seat, Zelda was already filling her plate full of junk. She could eat as much as she wanted and not gain any weight, it was amazing. I simply got a salad and some breadsticks. By the time Zelda had finished her fourth plate of food she was ready to leave, but I wasn't. I wanted more salad.

"Girly finish your dang salad! I'm ready to go," I munched down the last few bites and pushed my bowl to the end of the table.

"Finally! I'm driving." I needed at her and we left.

From miles away we should see smoke rising up from the college, big dark clouds. Zelda stepped on the gas.

Fire. Fire was blazing from the bottom of our dorm building. Firefighters running up and down the stairs. People coughing and crying. I was crying. Zelda was crying.

"My books," I said quietly.

"My art," Zelda said back.

We got out of the car and just watched. We couldn't see the top of the building thanks to the smoke. Her and I just stood there crying.

To paramedics took us to the back of an ambulance so we'd be away from all the smoke. We sat for a good hour before firefighters got all the flames out, and came to talk to us.

"Everyone living on the top floor your possessions are safe, the fire didn't reach all the way. Sadly for all the people living on the bottom and middle almost everything is destroyed." One of the firemen announced. The crying got louder, but Zelda and I melted into each other out of relief.

"Those of you living on the top floors will have to move out, for the floor is not stable to live on. Once the building is secured please pack all belongings you can and move out."

The college didn't have any other open dorms, Zelda didn't know what to do. That's when Samm's car pulled into the parking lot at lightning speed.

He jumped out slamming his car door and running to me, "are you alright!?" I nodded, my face wet with tears.

"Thank God." Be sighed and sat down next to me.

"We can't live here anymore. Our stuff survived but we can't live here. I don't know what I'm going to do." I said.

"Come live with me." It was such a sudden question that I didn't believe it.

"Live with you?" It took me a moment to answer.

"Yeah, I have a huge house that has a room I don't use, I'll totally rent it out to you."

"How much for rent?"

"Let's say ten a month?"

"Why so little?" I looked up at him.

"Pay me an extra five right now and I'll do all the moving for you."

I nodded then turned to Zelda, "do you have anywhere to go Zed?"

"Yeah, my parents live not too far, I'll be fine." She replied.

I turned back to Samm, "once the buildings clear we should get things packed," he nodded to me.

We sat for the next two hours until the building was cleared. Samm helped me pack all my books and I packed all my clothing and nicknacks. We put all my boxes and Zelda's in the back of my truck. We dropped her off at her parents and helped her unpack.

Samm and I switched spots and now he was driving. We soon pulled into a drive way to a literal rich person house. It was late and we both really needed to sleep, we had classes tomorrow.

He led me into the house and I was just as amazed as I was at the beach house. All the furniture looked like it didn't get used and the kitchen was spotless.

"I have a male maid," he explained.

He then led me to my new room, he opened the door and my jaw dropped, a large king sized bed later in front of a large window. The bed had white sheets. The black dresser complemented the dark red walls. It was an unusual room.

"Walk in the closet through that door. And a full-size bathroom through that one." He pointed to two different doors.


"Shush I may be rich but I don't go flaunting it around. As far as anyone knows I live alone in a small apartment, kapeesh?"

Kapeesh? "I got it," I replied.

"Oh and no going in my room, you make your own food if you want it unless I make a large breakfast. You set your own alarms I'm not in charge of when you wake up. Now my friend is picking me up so I can go get my car from the college, don't mess with anything while I'm gone." With that he left. He just left me in his house.

I obliged by the rules and didn't touch his room. I didn't though I did explore the rest of the house. There was a second floor, no rooms no nothing. Just a spiral staircase up to an open floor with a pool table.

After getting over all the amazement I went to sleep. The bed was by far the most comfortable bed I had ever slept in. The sheets may have smelt old but boy did I fall asleep fast.

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