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-POV Opal-

I walked out of the bathroom and found Samm sitting alone, "where'd she go?" I whispered to him as I sat down.

"I told her to got to the basement and get blankets, so she could sleep." Our arms formed an elbow lock that led down to our conjoined hands.

"You have a basement?" I questioned.

"Yeah, but nothing's down there, just some storage boxes with extra stuff I don't use."

I nodded, then a loud shriek came from downstairs. I followed behind Samm to the basement.

We got down to stairs and found Sienna standing on a plastic bin. I was afraid of her heels piercing through the lid of the bin.

"What happened?" Asked Samm.

"Then there's a sn-snake!" She pointed to the corner of the room, sure enough, there was a little gardener snake enjoying his stay.

I sighed and walked to the corner, I picked up the snake and held him in my hands, "get your blankets," I told Sienna. She looked at the snake and then the shelf with blankets and pulled some down. Then quickly rushed up the stairs.

I held the snake up to my face, his little black eyes looked at me, "have a great time in here," I put him down, his green and black scales quickly sliding away from me.

"Didn't know you liked snakes," Samm said.

"What's not to like about them?" I laughed and jumped back onto the staircase.

Samm and I went back up to the living room where Sienna had laid down numerous blankets on the couch. One was folded multiple times to create a pillow. I smiled at myself, she has to have a shitty couch and I get a nice comfortable bed, it was a satisfying feeling.

It was only noon, and there was nothing to do, with Sienna here occupying the living room, Samm and I couldn't sit and watch movies. And we couldn't fully ignore her.

Samm finally settled on taking us out to the park. I'm not sure why that was his choice but, hey, it's a nice sunny day out.

Sunflower Park, the park with sunflowers painted everywhere, yet there are no actual sunflowers. We got to the park and found a nice spot of grass in the sun. Samm put down a blanket for us to sit down.

"Ugh! Why did we have to go into the grass, my heels are going to be ruined!" Sienna whined as she sat down.

The spot he chose was in perfect view of the play structure. Many kids ran around chasing each other.

Little screams of fun and giggles constantly erupted from the structure. Samm and I were leaning on each other, we both ignored Sienna. I'm not sure if he intended to like I did.

We sat and listened to the kids having fun, "ahem!" We both turned to Sienna, "ok you love birds, this is boring, there's gotta be something better to do!"

I looked over at her, "how about we go have fun with the kiddos?"

"While I'm in heels? You've gotta be kidding me!"

"Well, I'm not," I smiled, "I'll be down there if you need me," I got up and walked down to the play structure, Samm followed behind me.

Before I could do anything a little girl with brown hair grabbed my hand. I would say she was about seven.

"C'mon lady!" She dragged me up the play stairs, "tag! You're it!"

Looks like I was dragged into a game of tag. The little girl ran back down the stairs we came up, I followed behind her and tagged her shoulder. She turned around and looked at me with betrayal in her eyes. Then she tagged a little boy that was behind her, "you're it!"

The little boy turned around with concern and then suddenly got what was happening, "oh!" The boy snapped straight into the game and went a full sprint at the little girl, running right past me.

I looked around and found Samm with his arms crossed and laughing. I walked up to him, "why are you laughing?"

"You just got ditched by a six-year-old," he was laughing just a little more than he should have been, but his laugh was contagious because I started laughing.

"God, you guys are gross!" Sienna came up behind us.

"I don't think I care," Samm said right before giving me a light peck of a kiss. I blushed and then glared at Sienna. Samm seems to enjoy making her jealous like I do.

"Bleh, when I came to visit I didn't expect you two being all 'lovey dovey.'"

"It's what boyfriends and girlfriends do, love and enjoy each other," I looked up at Samm, now with his arms over my shoulders and wrapped around my neck, "right."

"Correct," he said with a smile.

Sienna walked up to us, "remember what we had?" She ran her hand down Samm's arm.

I swatted her hand off his arm.

"I remember and I regret," Samm said with his jaw clenched.

God, how am I going to deal with her for two weeks?

Then the little girl from before walked back up to me, "why didn't you keep playing?" She asked.

I broke from Samm's grip and kneeled, "I didn't know we were still playing, if you're it, you can go ahead and tag me," I said.

Her eyes lit up, "can he play too?" She pointed to Samm standing behind me.

Samm let out a chuckle and kneeled down next to me, "you can tag either one of us."

Her eyes darted from Samm to me and back to me, she poked my knee, "you're it!" She instantly ran up the play structure.

I turned to Samm and grinned, and then tagged him, and I followed the steps of the little girl.

I caught up with the little girl, "he's it," I whispered pointing to Samm, who was climbing up the stairs.

He came close to us, the little girl grabbed my hand and pulled me to the tube slide, "down," she ordered. I followed and slid down the slide, I could hear the static in my hair. A small laugh came from behind me and the little girl's hands hit into my back as I hit the bottom of the slide.

Samm and I spent a good thirty minutes playing tag. Sienna sat alone on a near my picnic table.

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