1. LA

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-Five days later-

Thursday September 7th, 1991


Well I officially live in LA now and I gotta say I love it already. I haven't had to work as much as I used to because I can proudly say that Dre has been helping me with our daughter now. Their getting closer and closer by the day and I absolutely love it.

He's coming to pick her up tomorrow so they can spend time together and it really brought tears to my eyes to see how excited she was when he told her that. She asked me if he could stay the night tonight and I wanted to say no but I knew she was gonna get upset so I said yes, even though I didn't want too but anything for my baby girl.

The only reason I don't want him to stay the night is because he's sneaky is hell and I know exactly what he's trying to do. He thinks I don't know he told Drea to ask me if he could stay the night because he knew I was gonna say no if he asked.

He's up to something but imma keep my eye on him, imma be watching you Dre. 👀 you ain't slick....

''Mommy is daddy stay the night?'' Drea asked walking in my room.

I nodded. ''Yea baby.''

She climbed up on the bed. ''When he come?''

''He's coming baby, don't worry.'' I assured her.

She smiled. ''Okay mommy.''

''Come here baby.'' I grabbed her and sat her on my lap. ''Uncle E's birthday is today.''

''It is?!'' She squealed.

I chuckled. ''Yea you wanna call him and tell him happy birthday?''

''Yea I tell uncle E happy burday!'' She said clapping her hands.

I chuckled again ''Okay baby let's call him right now then.'' I picked her up, left the room, went downstairs and grabbed the house phone.

I dialed E's number and it rang for a while but eventually he picked up.

''Hello?'' He said.

''Hey E.'' I smiled.

''Hey what's poppin Chel'le? You aight?'' He asked.

''Yea I'm great I just called to wish you a happy birthday.'' I told him.

''Thanks Chel'le. 91 came quick didn't it?''

''It did.'' I agreed. ''So you doing anything for your birthday this year?''

''Yea imma go to my moms house, kick it wit my boys, then imma go back home and get some pussy from my girl.'' He said probably smirking.

I giggled. ''Sounds like your gonna have a good time.''

''Trust me I am.'' He assured me.

''That's good and Drea wants to say happy birthday to you E.''

He laughed. ''Aw put her on the phone.''

''Here baby. Wish your uncle a happy birthday.'' I gave her the phone and she put it to her ear.

''Hi uncle E! Happy burday!'' She screamed into the phone.

I heard him laugh. ''Thank you baby. How you doing?''

''Good my daddy stay the night tonight!''

''That's good baby. You getting real close wit cho father huh?'' He asked her.

''Yea I love my daddy!'' She screamed into the phone again.

Everything that glitters, ain't gold. (Book 2) Where stories live. Discover now