5. Recovered

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Saturday October 1st, 1991


Well I'm finally fully recovered but it still sucks because Quinn is hospitalized all because of Dre's psychopathic ass. Ren is pretty upset and he's not the type to cry but I can tell he really wants too tho.

Quinn's family is pressing charges against him and I couldn't be happier because he really needs to go back to jail. Yes Drea is gonna be sad but he can't keep getting away with a crime.

I'm not gonna lie and say I don't have love for Dre anymore because I do and I always will but he could of killed her and ya'll already know Quinn is my bitch I wouldn't be able to live without her.

I would literally die without her here and if I lost my best friend I would lose apart of me too.

But Dre is gonna get what's coming to him. Just wait till Ren sees his ass. 👊🏻

''Chel'le?'' Quella (Quinn's mom) said snapping me out of my thoughts.

I looked at her. ''Yes Mrs. Bailey?''

''Are you alright?'' She asked grabbing my hands.

I nodded. ''Yes I'm fine. Are you?''

She started to cry. ''No I'm not alright. I mean who would be if they had to see their child laid up like this?''

''I absolutely understand because I had to see my 2 year old laid up last year.'' I told her.

She shook her head. ''I'm so sorry to hear that sweetie. Why was she in the hospital?''

I sighed. ''Because of Dre. He dropped her so hard that he fractured her skull.''

Her eyes got big. ''When she was infant?''

I sighed again. ''Yep and she was hospitalized for 2 and a half months.''

''Oh my god did he get jail time for that?''

''Yea but he only got 1 year.'' I rolled my eyes.

She shook her head again. ''And how is their relationship now?''

''They have a great relationship but that's only because she doesn't remember what he did. Her memory is fucked up all because her own dad decided to drop his infant child on her fuckin head.'' I said as my eyes started watering.

''Are you okay? Your not gonna cry are you sweetie?''

''No I'm fine. I'm fine.'' I assured her.

''Good, don't get upset over that crazy asshole. Just try to focus on staying strong for Quinn.'' She said patting my back.

''Your right. Fuck Dre cause this isn't about him. It's about Quinn.'' I agreed.

''Is she gonna be aight?'' I heard someone say.

We shot our heads to the door and I couldn't believe Dre was standing there. ''Dre what are you doing here?!'' I asked walking up to him.

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