6. Same ol' Dre

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Three years later

Sunday March 1, 1994

10:00 am


Whelp I'm fresh outta jail and the first thing I'm finna do is go see my baby girl Drea because I missed her and I know she missed me too. I been thinkin about Michel'le alot and I really wanna make her my girl again.

She can try to act like she hate me all she want but I know deep down inside she still love me.

What we had was special but my dumb ass just had to fuckin mess it up all because I couldn't control my anger. ''Dre is that you?'' I heard Michel'le say.

And when I turned around I saw her standing there. ''Hey Chel'le.'' I said smiling at her.

She gave me a small smile. ''Hey Andre.''

''How you doin?'' I asked stepping closer to her.

She cleared her throat and backed away from me before responding. ''Fine and yourself?''

''Shit, I'm good now that I'm talkin to you.''

''Mhm, so are you coming to see your daughter or what?'' She asked looking at me, folding her arms.

''Yea, where she at?''

''She's at home with Quinn.''

I sucked my teeth. ''Why you leave our baby with that bitch?''

''Dre don't start.'' She said rolling her eyes at me.

''Aight whatever.'' I waved it off.

''So are coming with me so you can see your daughter or not?''

''Yea let's go.'' I said as we both started walking towards her car.

10:20 am


''Hey Quinn I'm back.'' I said walking in the house with Dre right behind me.

''Oh and I see you brought the muthafucka that used you as his punching bag." She said staring at Dre, folding her arms.

"Don't fuckin start with me bitch!" Dre snapped at her.

"Yo mama a bitch, bitch!" She snapped back.

"Bitch if you say some shit about my moms again imma strangle yo dumb ass!" He warned, giving her a death glare.

"Quinn just go home before things get out of hand!" I shouted pointing to the door.

"Whatever." She said before she stormed out of the house.

After she did I turned and looked at Dre and he was already staring at me. "What?" I asked him.

"Nothing. I'm just admiring yo beauty." He said smiling at me.

"Well I'm about to go lay down. Are you gonna stay here and wait for Drea to wake up?"

"Yea, you mind if I make a sandwich?" He asked walking to the kitchen.

"No just make sure you clean up your mess." I said, then I went upstairs to my bedroom and made sure I locked the door behind me because I don't want Dre to come in here.

Then I got in bed and just as I was about to drift off to sleep Dre started banging on the door all hard and shit. "Yo Chel'le?"

I sighed in annoyance. "What?!"

"You finna go to sleep?"

I sighed in annoyance again before responding. "Yes."

"Oh, why you got the door locked tho? You tronna keep me out?" He asked, sounding bothered.

"Yep." I said being completely honest with him.

He sucked his teeth. "Well can you let me in so I can talk to you?"

"No Dre. Can you go away please?"

He sucked his teeth again. "Come on let me in Chel'le. I'm not gon do nothin to you."

"Why the fuck can't you just take no for an answer Dre?!" I snapped at him.

"Open this god damn door!" He shouted as he kicked the door in and burst inside of the room, causing me to scream and fall off of the bed.

"Dre please don't hurt me." I said as I started to cry.

"Shut the fuck up before I knock yo fuckin teeth out!" He threatened, balling up his fists.

Then he picked me up by my neck and slammed me against the wall. "Now, I'm not gonna hurt chu as long as you agree to be my girl again, you got that?"

"Yes." I said just above a whisper.

"Good, and you better not tell anybody about this or that's gon be yo ass." He threatened again, pointing his finger at me this time.

"Daddy get off of mommy!" Drea screamed at Dre as she walked in the room.

And right after she said that he quickly turned around and dropped me to the floor. "Drea, baby it's not what chu think."

''Yes it is! I hate you daddy!'' She cried out, then she ran out of the room.

After she did I stood to my feet and looked at Dre with fire and tears in my eyes. ''You should be ashamed of your fuckin self.'' I said before I bumped past him and stormed out of the room.

I know this was extra short but I'm finally taking this book off hold so get ready for more chapters. 😘💕

-Jass ❤️

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