3. Flashbacks

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Tuesday September 20th, 1991

-LA Hospital-


When I opened my eyes I saw my mom, Drea, the boys, and Quinn standing over me. ''Hey sweetie.'' My mom said smiling at me.

I gave her a weak smile. ''Hey mama.''

''How you feel Chel'le?'' E asked.

''Sore. Very fuckin sore.'' I hissed in pain as I responded.

''Hi mommy.'' Drea said waving to me.

''Hi baby girl. You been doing okay?'' I asked concerned.

She started to cry. ''No mommy. I miss you.''

I began to get really upset. I wish I could hug my baby girl right now but I can't even move thanks to Dre. ''I miss you too baby. Don't cry.''

''It's okay sweetie I got her.'' My mom grabbed Drea and quickly left the room.

''She's gonna be okay Chel'le.'' Quinn said comforting me.

''Quinn I wish I could be there for her! My baby needs me and I'm not there for her!'' I cried.

''Chel'le it's not your fault. It's Dre's.'' She said looking at him.

He sighed. ''Can I talk to Chel'le alone for a minute ya'll?''

They nodded and walked out of the room and shut the door behind them. Then he walked up to me and grabbed my hand. ''Don't fuckin touch me Dre!'' I semi yelled snatching my hand away from him.

''Baby I'm sorry I did this to you aight? I was drunk and I don't even remember what happened that night!'' He semi yelled back.

''Why is that always your excuse Dre? Why can't you ever just take responsibilty for what the fuck you do? huh?!''

He sighed again. ''Chel'le I really don't even remember what happened. Why don't you believe me?''

''Because that's always your fuckin excuse Dre! And to be fuckin honest with you I'm fuckin sick of hearing you apologize for the same shit!'' I snapped.

''The only fuckin thing I can do is apologize Chel'le! Fuck else you want me to say?!'' He snapped back.

''You know what Dre I don't even give a fuck! Just get the fuck outta here! Bye!'' I shooed him off.

''But baby I----.'' He started.

''GET THE FUCK OUTTA HERE DRE!'' I shouted cutting him off. ''GO!''

''Whatever Chel'le.'' He snatched his jacket off the coat rack and stormed out.

Thursday September 22nd, 1991


Man I'm so fuckin tired of fighting with Chel'le. Yes I understand that I did a lot of hurtful shit but that was the past and for some reason she just refusing to move pass it. The only thing I can do is apologize for what I did like I don't understand what the fuck else she want me to do? It's fucked up that she don't believe me when I said I don't remember anything that happened that night.

I wasn't even sober. I probably was drinking heavy as usual so I don't know why she tronna act brand new cause she know I got drinking problems and If I remembered what happened I woulda just been honest and said I did.

But I still feel bad about what happened tho cause I been thinking about all the times I hurt her and I'm so regretful about everything I did.

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