7. Pretending

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''Yes it is! I hate you daddy!'' Drea cried out, then she ran out of the room.

After she did I stood to my feet and looked at Dre with fire and tears in my eyes. ''You should be ashamed of your fuckin self.'' I said before I bumped past him and stormed out of the room.

''Chel'le I'm sorry.'' He said following behind me.

''Your always fuckin sorry!'' I shouted in his face as I turned around and faced him.

''You better stop yelling in my fuckin face.'' He warned.

''Fuck you!'' I spat.

I had then tried to walk away from him but he roughly grabbed me by the arm and yanked me back as hard as he could. "Stop fuckin talkin to me like that!"

''Dre you better get the fuck off me!'' I snapped snatching my arm from him.

He grabbed me by the arm again and yanked me back once more. "And if I don't?!"

"Get the fuck off me you stupid muthafucka!" I shouted kicking him in the balls.

"Ow fuck!" He yelled falling to the floor, holding his crotch.

After that I tried to take off running but he grabbed my leg and tripped me, causing me to fall to the floor extremely hard. "Oh god I think I sprained my ankle!" I cried out in pain.

"I hope you fuckin did." He said standing to his feet, giving me a death glare.

"I gotta get outta here!" I panicked, then I quickly stood to my feet and started hopping towards the stairs as fast as I could, since I sprained my ankle.

"You ain't goin no fuckin where!" He said running behind me.

"Get away from me!" I said hopping faster and faster.

But not fast enough because he tackled me and the both of us went flying down the stairs.

After we did everything went completely black.

Monday March 2, 1994

9:00 am

When I opened my eyes I saw Dre standing over me with a sad look on his face. *sighs* and now here comes the fake ass apology. "You okay baby?" He asked staring at me with tears in his eyes.

I hissed in pain before responding to him. "No my ankle hurts like hell."

He kneeled down next to me and looked at my swollen ankle. "Baby I'm so sorry about all this shit. Is it broken?"

I shook my head no. "No I think it's just sprained."

"Aight let me help you up." He said picking me up bridal style.

"Dre I really need to go to the hospital." I said as my eyes began to water.

"Okay I'mma call a paramedic for you, aight?"

I nodded and sniffled. "Okay."

I can't believe this is happening to me again. All I wanted to do was get away from him but he just won't leave me alone. Now I'm stuck with him again. "Chel'le?" Dre said snapping me out of my thoughts.

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⏰ Last updated: May 16, 2018 ⏰

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