Chapter 20

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A beautiful grassy meadow with patches of pastel colored lilacs and vibrant yellow sunflowers.

"What are we doing here?", I question looking at the perfect, clear blue sky above.

"This was my favorite place to come and just think when I was little".

"Oh Harry, it's absolutely beautiful", I smile at the outstanding scenery, it seems as if this is just a picture on a page of a book. It's truly a magical, and magnificent piece of landscape.

"I knew you'd like it".

He grabs my hand, leading me farther through the meadow wonderland. Before I know it, a blanket is laid out beneath a patch of lilacs.

"Now what do we do?", I ask gesturing towards the blanket now spread out on the ground.

"Well we shall just stare at the sky, watching the clouds go by".

"How romantic", I giggle.

Harry and I lay next to each other, staring at the sky for what seems like hours. We point at different clouds, trying to figure out what they resemble.

"Harry, what are we?"

"What do you mean love?"

"Well are we boyfriend and girlfriend? Because honestly I'm confused. I know that I left, but that was only so you could become a better person. Don't misunderstand me, I find you perfect, but I know underneath this bad boy persona there's someone more than that. But then you have the issue with you and that girl-"


"Yes, Madison. So exactly what do you consider us to be?"

"That my dear is up to you".

"I'd love to be your girlfriend again. That is, if that's what you want?"

"I think that sounds perfect. But let me do this the right way", he sits up looking me straight in the eyes.

His dimples are showing, which makes my heart melt at the sight of them. Harry is such a beautiful human being.

"So Danielle- wait what's your middle name?", he stops breaking out into a fit of chuckles.

"It's Marie", I giggle.

"What a beautifully, perfect middle name for such a beautiful woman like you". he smiles, "Anyway Danielle Marie Anderson, would you do me the honors of being my girlfriend... Again".

"Of course, I'd love that".

"Wow what a day", he lays back down next to me, staring back at the sky.

"Tell me about it", I smirk.

"Look at that one!" He points at a nearby cloud with excitement "it looks like a turtle!"

"No, it's more like a dog", I counter.

"Danielle, you say that about every cloud that passes by".

"Well, I can't help it if every one has the shape of a dog!", I laugh.

"C'mon lets get going, I'm starting to see stars up there. Which means it's time to get you home, before your parents kill me", he chuckles, grabbing my hand to pull me up off the ground.

"Speaking of my parents, when do you want to meet them?"

"Whenever you want me to love".

"I love you Harry", I say as we climb into my car.

"But I love you more", he smiles starting the car "You want to know something?"

"Sure. What is it Harry?

"That cloud so looked like a turtle".

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