Wander Home By: Soduh_P0P

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Five million miles 

Four passengers

Three years

Two stories

One second

Zero gravity

Running away from our problems as usual, I see.Whether this habitual running of yours in against a strong wind, or letting said wind push you, you're bound to run right into someone else along the way.Maybe not all wandering is done with one foot in front of the other, but that doesn't mean your body won't turn against you at some point in the future regardless of the decisions you make to prevent it.No distance can further you from fate, for there will always be home, where problems take root.And you will always return to it.

Notes from Stellar:

One of the stories I wanted to share with you guys was this one. 

Growing up and being a fan of science fiction shows and movies had really opened my eyes to the potential that a good space story can truly have. 

After only reading a couple of sentences I knew that "Wander Home" by: Soduh_P0P was going to be one of those stories that a good sci fi junkie will appreciate. Even if you are not crazy about Science Fiction; the chilling way the author describes adventure in space will still spike your interest.

We start off in the point of view of a space traveler named Honye. A space adventurer whom is following in the footsteps of her father who was a wanderlust himself. We see withing just a few moments how action packed the story will be from just hearing a little about her story.

Along with her is Terry, Sampson, and Macie who all have a part in the expedition! All adding different emotions and personalities to the story itself; and as we see in the prologue, all getting into a bit of trouble.

Are you ready to be in Space like the main characters of this story? As well as see what interesting, spine chilling things they see? Then check out Wander Home! Read along with me and discover what happens to Honye and these other attention grabbing wanderers!

- Stellar

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