People of Desire - By: Danee Simmons

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Blurb From the Author:

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Blurb From the Author:

The battle of the sexes is on. People have been separated into cities by gender. The government is telling them it's in order to determine the superior gender. But when Madalyn is chosen to become a reproducer certain things just aren't adding up. What's the government really up to?

Notes From Journey:

I have few guilty pleasures, but this one tops them all.

Danee shoots the concept of gender differences out of the water in all the right ways, from separated cities, to the citizen's fear and curiosity about each other, to the social norms that effect the protagonist's day-to-day life, and even to the undertones of political corrupted motives. I can't say too much without spoiling anything since the story does such a good job of explaining itself from the get-go in a fashionable sense.

The author's strategic timing of events leaves the reader so with-the-flow that you might even cry when you reach the end of a chapter and Danee hasn't updated it with more yet.

All I can say is, give it a chance, you will be pleasantly surprised!

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