Home Is Where The Heart Is

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Home is where the heart is...and apparently, that's not in school. The first day of school was rather eventful. And not in a good way.

I walked down the road to my house which is about a 15-minute walk from school only to be greeted by my drunken stepdad."There's my little girl!" he says as he stumbles right in front of me. "Hey, dad..." I said trying to sound happy. "You know Milly-girl; you should try drinking some of this!" He shoves a can of beer to my hand. I grab it and slowly went towards the kitchen saying, "Yeah, I'm going to mom now." Who the hell gets drunk in the middle of noon? Oh, wait. John does. Stupid, stupid question.

I went into the kitchen to be greeted by my mother. "Hey, is your dad drunk again?" I put the can of unfinished alcohol in the fridge slamming the door as I finished. "That should answer your question." I said in a very annoyed tone.

"Where's your brother?"

"Brother dearest? Man, I don't know. How should I know?" I answered quickly as I made my way to the stairs, going up to my room. I opened the door and threw my bag on the bed. I took my laptop immediately typed in my passcode. I checked the news and again, another scoop to be messed with appears for Miss Hackolocity. I interrupt the police station and the news station to send my little message to them.

Hello to all you worthless piles of crap. It's me again! Miss Hackolicity~! Hihi.

Now, all you have to do is ask for my help, and I'll get you all the info you need about this drug lord dude. I get that you don't like me and crap...but face it. You're nothing without me. You can't deny that you use my info when I send it even without you asking. A thank you would be nice once in awhile. Oh, and if you do ask (which you probably should), ask nicely, would you? Here's a clue, by the way, Corinthian Ave.


Miss Hackolocity

PS. Stop treating me as if I'm a criminal. Jeez...I'm the one tryna help you guys. And also, don't think I have nothing on the Police force.

With that, I process on getting rid of every single thing that could trace that message back to me when suddenly my door slams open only to see my dear brother. "Hello, my little Mil-Dread." Nick says as he enters my room.

"Don't you know how to knock?"

"Yeah. Blah blah."

"The heck do you want?" I say as my eyes follow his movements. He goes rights in front of me and reaches for what seems like my laptop to which I immediately close.

"Geez girl, chill. I ain't reaching for your laptop." He says as he reaches right behind me and shoves his hands in my bag. To which I say, "What the fuck Nick?"

"I'm just borrowing a few bucks. And you don't need to hide your precious laptop from me. It's not like I'm gonna tell anyone you're watching pooor-" he says as he walks toward my door. I cut him off pushing him out screaming, "I DO NOT WATCH PORN!" and shove him out of my room slamming the door completely shut and locking it so that the moron will no longer disturb my peace.

I go back to my rightful place, my bed, and continue what I was doing. I finished getting rid of anything that will trace the message back to me. It doesn't even take 2 hours for the message to be on the news. I secretly laugh about how the news anchor is lowkey freaking out. That made my day more bearable. No, it made my day.

I enjoy knowing that no one knows who Miss Hackolicity is...well, except for Hayley of course. Not even my family knows this huge secret I've been hiding for the last two years. I find it hilarious how I'm a nobody in school or this world, but a huge somebody in the internet and media. And I love that and how my life is. I guess that's just how it is. I really don't regret anything I've done...so far at least.

I watch the sunset from my room then proceed to go to the bathroom to take a shower. I finish showering and normally by this time I'd be hungry, who am I kidding? I'm always hungry. But today, I didn't really have an appetite, so I tell my mother that I'm gonna pass on dinner.

The first day of school really drained me. I lied down on my bed and got comfy. I don't know why but somehow I can't forget about all the things that happened earlier. I struggled to fall asleep despite being exhausted. Twisting and turning and chiz but nothing seems to help. So, I made my way to the living room and grabbed a glass of water turning on the television. Just what I thought. The late night news is also featuring my message as the biggest topic. It doesn't look like the police force are giving in this time, but I'll provide them a little more time. Then maybe I can spill the secrets of one special deputy.

The news gave me comfort to go back to bed. I managed to fall asleep but still had dreams about the things that happened in school.


I open my eyes only to shut them again. Why the hell can't I sleep for the rest of my life? Why did I have to open my eyes today?



Forgive me if this chapter is shorter!!!! 

Or if it sucks....

mwuah XD

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