Dangerous Waters

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 It's almost been three weeks since the first day of school. Every morning I can't help but drag my feet to school and my classes. 

It sucks.

 To be honest, I'd be perfectly fine here if not for Zoe and her spawns. Because Miss Barbie, Queen of the high school food chain found it funny to mess with me, so do the other kids in school. 

It would've been so much better if there was a redo button for life.

 But no.

 I have to live almost a half of my life getting an education. Learning math problems, I most likely won't be using in my life. 

I said it once, and I'll say it again. This place is a hellhole. I'm quite sure I don't need to spell it out. You get the point. 

I mean, who likes school? These past two weeks I've been tripped, slammed on the lockers, pushed, and had notes stuck on my back saying "My ass and I are losers". Kill me. And it's a Wednesday today. I like Wednesdays but not today. No. I would rather enjoy the day listening to "Not Today" by Twenty One Pilots. But I have to pick my ass up and go to the hellhole called Penacook High. Yay.


It's the middle of the day, and I'm eating lunch with Haley in the cafeteria. I quietly munch of salami sandwich as Haley tells me about what happened in her English class. I don't know...I think it has something to do with a book flying. I couldn't really concentrate since my attention was on the delicious salami sandwich my mom made.

"Are you listening?" I look up at her and reply with my mouth full. "What?"

"Seriously Mildred, I've been talking for ten minutes now. And don't talk when your mouth is full." I swallowed my food and took a sip of water.

"Oh, sorry Miss Haley. I just thought I would answer your question."

"YOU-! You suck."

"Nah. I probably will never suck...anything."

"What the fuck Carter?" She said laughing. "You are disgusting!"

"No. I am Mildred."

"Fudge your face bruh."



"You said 'bruh' so I said panty."

Haley looked at me straight in the eye and said, "You're so corny.". We sat there in silence for about 10 seconds then burst out laughing. We stayed like that, talking back and forth till the tall dirty blonde walked into the cafeteria. It what different this time, though. He didn't have the devil clinging unto like always. I'm not going to lie. It's not a bad sight. He's not a bad sight. He sat down at the table next to us. I try my best not to stare while Haley doesn't even try to hide it. It's amazing how he just ignores her gaze. With that, I try to come up with a new topic.

"So um-"

"How's Miss Hackolocity? I watched the news last night, and they mentioned you."

"Haley! Didn't I tell y-"

"Miss Hackolocity?" That wasn't Haley's voice. The voice was deep and sweet to listen to...oh crap. Connor. I snapped my head at his direction and replied as fast as I can "What?"

"You." He points at Haley. "You were talking about Miss Hackolocity; you called her Miss Hackolocity." Haley sat on her seat frozen, unable to say a word. I eternally face palm.

"Miss Hackolocity?" I say with a chuckle. "No, no." Trying to keep my composure. I'm not a bad actress, but this has certainly hit me. "Pfft! She said Miss-" Miss...Miss what? "T-trigonometry." Crap. I blew it.

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