High School Party

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"Nothing. It's nothing." What the hell was I thinking saying that to him and just storming off, ehem, limp off? That was stupid. Almost as stupid as walking around in cut up clothes and my Minnie Mouse polka dot underwear sticking out. Luckily, Haley was there to help me and lent me a change of clothes so that I didn't have to look like a fool for the rest of the day.

Of course, I didn't tell her what happened. It was too humiliating to talk about. I know that I did nothing but somehow, I just can't help but blame myself for what happened.

Ninety-six hours had passed since what happened and let's just say I chose to forget about it and went on to my daily life at school.

It started normally. Dragging myself out of bed, brushing my teeth, eating breakfast-- normal, basically.

Sure, my leg still hurts pretty bad but no one actually noticed. I could just let them I tripped and they'd believe me. Man, the stupidity of human organisms is truly laughable. I'm no exception to that either if I'm being honest to myself.


There's been talk about a party. You know, high school parties? People get drunk, grind on each other, exchange sweat and saliva, drink, do drugs, probably contract diseases, and make truly regrettable mistakes.

Haley wants to go to it.

"I don't want to go! It's going to dirty and smelly there."

"Come on! You got to socialize more! Have fun and let loose but don't get loose if you know what I mean."

"I don't know man. I gotta think about it cause my leg still hurts."

"...I'll treat you to some pizza," Haley said quietly.

"Treat me to some whaaaaaat?"

"PIZZA! I'll treat you to some pizza!"

I gasped, "Pizza, you say? Why...you got me there."


"So what?"


"Okay, fine. BUT you've got to be with me every single minute-no, second that we're there."

"Of course Mildred. Have I ever let you down?"

Cue silence.

"Okay, that was one time!"

"Twenty-seven but whatever."


What was I thinking to agree to this monstrosity? Haley was doing my makeup (I barely wear makeup), my hair (I have two styles for my hair. Up or down.), and picking out my outfit (I dress like a thirteen-year-old boy).

"And done! Man, you should wear clothing that shows off your curves and butt more! Don't let that hourglass figure go to waste Mama Sita."

"Mama wha-"

"All of the guys are going to be all over you..."

"Haley, shut up. Flattery will get you nowhere."

"Not lying but if you say so. Oh, don't wear the glasses."

"Shut up. I won't be able to see and I just got new ones." I said as I put on my glasses and hear her snort.

"Well...it didn't make you less distracting. Would 10/10 go lesbian for you right now."

"And would 10/10 knock you out right now."

"With your ass?"

"Imma hit you."


It didn't take long for us to get to the house party and must I say it is everything I expected it to be.

"Mildred?" Not again.


"WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE? WHAT ARE YOU WEARING?" My brother says as he drags me out of the house with Haley chasing after us.

"I" emphasis on the 'I', "am with Haley. What are you doing here?" emphasis on the 'you'.

"I can't let people- guys and lesbians see you like this. Did you-" he points to Haley "do this?"

Haley shrugs with a smirk on her face "Hey, I can't do nothing about your sister being a goood distraction."

"She is a distraction! If you're not going to go home then at least use this." My brother takes off his jacket and wraps it around my waist as he goes back into the house.

Haley and I use the back door. As soon as we were inside my best friend, Haley was no longer by my side. Nice.

I wandered around aimlessly passing through sweaty teens and occasionally getting whistled at and catcalled when I saw a drink bar. It was hot and really humid so it wouldn't hurt to get some fruit punch. It's stupid cause it might be spiked but might as well. I don't want to die of dehydration in a high school party.

Hm. Don't taste too bad. It's fruity like Kool-Aid...so much sugar haha. One more wouldn't hurt.

"Mildred. That's your name right?" I take my lips off the cup as soon as I felt a hand wrap around my waist.

"What is to you?" I said as I try to push his hand away. With no luck, he lowers his head to my ear and whispers "You know...you really look better without much clothes on."

"What...what are you talking about?" I turned around to face a tall guy with tanned skin and blue eyes. He was well built and well known. This was Derick Brad. Another jock.

"Are you kidding me?" He said. "Almost everyone's seen the video. I want to hear you crying out my name too."

"Let go of me."

"Aww come on." He says as he takes the drink from my hand. "We're going to have lots of fun.

"Let...let go!...Please just let go....of me." I started getting light headed. The room was spinning around then everything was black.


Thanks for reading this chapter! Sorry if it's short!!

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 13, 2017 ⏰

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