Chapter 1

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Panicked I searched through my bag for the third time. It clearly wasn't there, but I knew I had snuck it in with me. Pants, unders, shirts, and skirts galore but my phone was missing. While this would normally not be a problem, normal was far from where I was. In a flurry I had been forced to pack and come along quietly or die painfully. Now I was no fool. There was in no way I could take on this supernatural creature. My best and really only guess was vampire.

I had been running behind at work and clocked out just as I grabbed the trash to toss in the dumpster. It wasn't really out of my way and I could go straight home after the final task was complete so why not? It was only pitch black out, the parking lot lights in the distance didn't do much for seeing, but who really hung around the awful smelling dumpster of a coffee shop? You could smell it from a distance, and it took everything I had in my not to vomit everywhere as I quickly lifted the lid enough to toss the bag inside.

Mission accomplished I realised the parking lot was not as empty as I had thought. There were several empty parking spots between my car and where a couple stood by their own car. Vaguely I remembered they were the last two customers we had and was surprised they were still hanging out after close. Not that it was the first time. Flirty coffee shop dates weren't unusual and I mentally wished them luck.

As I neared my car I saw them look over at me. Yep, no surprise. There was only three of us here. Quickly they went back to their whispers and I wiped my hands on my already dirty apron. There was no amount of showering that would remove the smell of coffee grinds from my hair tonight, but I looked forward to getting home and relaxing nonetheless. My mind wandered from thoughts of a how long I'd be able to sleep before my morning shift to when I'd be able to buy shoes that had less holes in them when I noticed, just as I reached my car, the couple was missing.

They didn't appear to be in their car, and with empty and closed business lining the way it seemed very strange for them to just up and vanish. Too tired to actually care, I unlocked my car and tried to pull the door open. It gave a loud groan as it finally budged and I wondered why I even locked it. The car was twelve years old, with chipping paint, and was running on a doughnut. I promised myself a new tire after tips came in, but tips had been crummy so the wait continued.

Getting in, I started my car with no issues. It looked like a wreck but it still went from A to B without fail. Again, looking around and seeing none, I slowly backed out of my spot only to hear an odd pop and feel the doughnut quickly sink. My heart sunk. I lived only a ten minute drive away, but that was a much longer, darker, unenjoyable eleven pm walk. I prayed I had just hit something and I was imagining the sink.

Jumping out of my car I noticed it was getting a very stupid amount of flat.

"Just one more week was all I asked!" I yelled at the tired before kicking it.

"It was on it's last leg." A voice said.

Surprised, I jumped back and nearly stumbled over. Somehow, now in front of my car, was the couple. Where in the fuck were they hiding? Even worse, why did the guy look extra familiar? School? No. Regular coffee addict? Nah. Who was he?

"Since you won't be going anywhere. Let's have a chat." His voice was velvety smooth and something about his tone made it all click.

He was the guy from the club.

My mind raced as it pulled all the details I had tucked away from a few nights ago. A coworker had dragged me to this stupid karaoke bar about an hour out of town. They wanted so bad to go, but didn't want to go it alone. Overall it was fun singing along badly to some one hit wonders but the crowd was draining. So about half way through the night I snuck out back for some fresh air. My timing was terrible. I remembered seeing this tall guy in a tight t-shirt, fitted jeans, and boots doing what I could only word as 'the vampire thing'. Fangs in the neck of a pretty girl in a short skirt, flashy tank, cowgirl boots.

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