Chapter 3

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Morning came too soon. I rushed through a shower and got my stuff together for the morning. Thankfully they had provided a backpack to shove things in. I knew where I was going, but still wanted to travel with Trinity and Cameron since that sounded more fun. Five minutes early I knocked on Trinity's door to see Cameron was already there.

"Good you're ready." Trinity nodded her approval as she grabbed her bag. "This one is less than motivated." She glanced over at our other comrade.

"Sleep was fleeting. We're all going to die." She groaned.

"Well no shit." I rolled my eyes, "Got to die to become a vampire, now forget about your still beating heart and lets go get some coffee."

"You know, saying it like that really doesn't help." Cameron argued, "But I like this coffee idea. Hopefully they have some."

"Am I the only one who actually slept?" Trinity ask as we headed out.

"Yes." Cameron confirmed, "I'm surprised you didn't stay up reading every last thing."

"I can speed read later if needed." She waved off the comment, "But I rather be completely alert for day one."

"What about you? Get all the reading in then?" Cameron asked.

I shrugged, "Nah. Found a map in one of the folders, so I decided to explore."

Trinity's eyes lit up, "Seriously? That's so reckless! What if you weren't allowed somewhere yet? More importantly what did you find?"

I laughed, "Nothing out of the ordinary. With how set up the gym is I'm expecting they're going to be pushing the physical learning as much as the mental." I motioned to the room we just passed.

"That's fine." Trinity replied, "It's about time I got back into some strong habits."

"What else? Tell us everything!" Cameron begged.

Her overreaction was just too funny but I continued, "Lots of school style classrooms, a lot of really boring expected jazz but the library was pretty nice looking."

We had finally reached our little dining room. Breakfast was set up much the same way. The smell of bacon, eggs, and pancakes filled the room. My eyes glanced over the food and found exactly what my brain needed. Coffee.

"Finally, sweet life nectar." I cheered as I helped myself to a glass.

"Don't look so desperate." Trinity chastised.

Rolling my eyes I ignored her comment, "I was a barista for five years, I am completely fine with everyone knowing I am dependant on coffee in the morning. My poor measly human brain just can't take life without it. Now what do you want in yours?"

"Just cream." Cameron said, tone full of thanks.

Reluctantly Trinity gave in, "Light cream, two sugars."

Quickly I got the coffee's ready and set them on the table before returning for actual food. As I filled my plate, I noticed someone standing just outside of the doorway. Glancing over I nodded and returned to what I was doing.

"Morning James." I called as I returned to the table.

Trinity and Cameron quickly looked towards the door.

Nodding James stayed where he was.

"How do you know another one?" Cameron whispered as I took my seat next to her.

"As I was saying before the coffee won over the conversation, the library was really nice looking. I strolled through it for a bit and it's actually set up like a real library. Lots of great books, and the only vampire geared ones, minus the fantasy section, was the educational."

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