Chapter 2

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Before I could reply with zero hours or even consider fabricating a story Gammy started to speak.

"Evening everyone. Let's start by getting everyone on the same page. You either know me as One or Gammy. Either is an acceptable way to refer to me, however I'll give you a hint as to what titling you should add to that." She met all of our eyes in turn before continuing, "My house is known as the neutral core house. We are also known for training perspective humans and turning them into something useful while finding the right house for them. Those who go through our program tend to do very well compared to those plucked and placed straight off the streets.

"Now every house has it's leaders. I am head of security for the prince of my house." She paused and let the words sink in, "I was chosen for this opportunity because of my skills and knowledge. This is my fourth time heading the program." She surveyed the group, "All of you ended up here for one reason or another. Some of you are feeling pretty good about yourselves for being selected.

"Don't." She stressed the word. "You're the least talented bunch I've seen and I'm surprised you were chosen. Divas and the insane. It'll take a lot to find a shred of worthwhile talent in this bunch. So eat up, and grab your folder on the way out. It'll outline what you need to know for tomorrow. Tardiness will not be allowed."

With that she turned, placed a stack of folders on an empty spot of the buffet table and left.

Silence filled the room as everyone but me looked at their plates. I liked how she instantly knocked everyone down to the same level. We were all here for a reason and shouldn't let her so easily manipulate our emotions. So instead of sulking with the group I got up and grabbed the folders. All were numbered and I remember what Trinity said about who was in what room and started handing them out.

Sitting down after I had done my part I opened mine to see what looked like a standard class schedule and dress code. The third sheet in the folder was an instant curiosity.

Congratulations on your acceptance into House Merit's new recruit program. You were chosen been chosen based on your display of either physical strengths, charisma, intelligence, or display of ability that would be beneficial to the House's. This program was created to find and mold the best candidates and place them into the best House for them. However, if a candidate proves to be unmoldable or otherwise unworthy of the gifts of the House's they will be let go, memories stripped.

May the best rise to the challenge.

I glanced at the neatly type paged and flipped it over to see an additional commented pened in. The handwriting was a lovely elegant cursive that simply read: For your unexpected talents, push the bar and rise to the top. I could only assume it was referring to my inability to be charmed or glamored or whatever that whatnot was. That little talent seemed useless on a human interaction level but if it was enough to be commented on I'd keep it in mind.

"Well I think dinner is pretty much ruined." I said getting up, "Anyone else up for pretending to sleep while they analyze the schedule?"

Cameron stood up, "If we can find the way back."

"I've got that part down." Trinity agreed.

Looking around the table Chris nodded and stood up, "Better than getting lost later."

Without another word the rest got up and followed. Trinity clearly absorbed every last thing without fail and I made a note of how to get from A to B so I wouldn't be terribly lost trying to reach breakfast tomorrow.

Parting ways at our little dorm hall I happily returned to my room to consider what tomorrow would bring. Instead of returning to the slightly disheveled room I had recently left I found my bag tucked into the corner and a stack of books, notebooks, and folders in it's place.

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